Monday 4 August 2014

Forgive U' my friend

Aabhipsa dear,
hope U do remember
Obviously twenty years gone,
but my memories still on
Same bench we sat in d' class,
 lunch often we shared
secrets to each others ear
we regularly whispered
Got detached, lost contact,
friendship instantly over
we sifted to another town,
on my father’s transfer
Of course after long years,
it's strange to write U now
but wish to get relieved,
of a bulky burden somehow!

Carefully listen, take a decision,
if excusable, kindly pardon
I’m married,
with a ten year old son
a caring husband,
a life with perfection
Everything just wonderful,
each moment joyous, peaceful
Happy times don’t last forever,
someday face a rough weather
Back from school,
came my son, drained, tired,
school outfits hurriedly out,
and went for a shower
To remove lunch box,
I opened his school bag
Got shocked,
found something strange
Saw, to my utter surprise,
 a gold medal in a silky box inside
A fortnight back,
in school, an announcement,
for sports, games and other events
Excited about spell fun competition,
prepared well and a 3rd prize he won
utterly dejected, felt he’s no good,
whole day upset, refused food

I immediately realized, 
it’s not his prize
Confronted him,
 and ultimately he confessed
Everyday my friend,
 showed us d’ medal, boasted
not able to endure, so….
I got d’ message,
 slapped him hard, out of rage
 So harsh to him, for d’ first time,
whole night kept on silently weeping
I had confided something inside,
 revealed to none, though I tried
Truth ignored then, completed d’ cycle
but a rude way it occurred,
can’t imagine at all
U’ the only one,
 to whom I can confess
Similar incidence happened,
 twenty years back
Solo song competition,
 both of us participated,
U declared d’ champion,
 I was just ousted
I couldn’t bear your success,
and the way d’ prize U flaunted
Finally it's me, who stole it from u,
till today I possess d’ bronze statue
My sin did penetrate my chest,
unless I confess, calmly can’t rest
“Sorry” a small word,
 to heal your sore,
even it’s a young days’,
silly kiddy blunder
slowly it's turning to be a
 gloomy hefty burden,
I’ll be fully relieved,
 if U accept it in return
Love U, despite everything 
that had happened
You were so nice,
to U, life ought to do justice
Whatever decision U may take
I pray for your success
In my absence came d’ courier,
watchman had collected, 
handed me over
Opened d’ package, dropped a letter
in a single breath, I read it over
Now thrilled to see d’ packet 
full of suspense, hard to guess
Excited to open d' parcel,
 can’t wait further
in super human speed,
 tore it’s wrapper
Securely packed with foamy cushion,
felt its fading edges, 
 as if a new born
Gently glided finger,
 in each bend and corner
it's my lost pride possession,
now I could  remember 
Can't forget those glorious days,
college function weeks
sweet thrills melted,
trickled down my cheeks
Childhood memory flashed,
 back in my mind
Joy of high voltage,
nothing’s of its kind
Held d’ memento close to chest,
 whispered at d’ end,
Of course I forgive you,
forgive U' my friend


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