Saturday 9 August 2014

Let it happen as per his sweet wish

Talk to him in a calm voice failed,

got tired of his arrogant actions

hugging and pampering of no use,

worked no amount of persuasion

screamed ceaselessly for a long,

refused fave food offered by mom

exhibited a behavior too annoying,

she couldn't think of d' right action


If one can't justify things with logic,

give a seemly answer to his quarries

he wouldn't give up by any chance,

far better not to tell him d' stories

Mom felt ashamed of d' neighbors,

d' whole drama they were watching

irritated and confused, too chaotic,

just unbearable felt like slapping


She told not written in our destiny

what is it, who decides and writes?

a person knows not his own future,

has to pass through several events

D' events inevitable ought to occur,

none can prevent, can't get altered

d' path, laid down one has to walk,

unseen script noted on d' forehead


Nothing to accomplish as per desire,

can't compare your life with others

accept who you're and where you're

it's predetermined need not bother

God Brahma does it, inscribes fate,

on d' forehead of every single person

it's decided on, as per their deeds,

in the previous birth, left no option


A sky guy controls, manipulate,

seems strange, we are helpless

why he determines our destiny,

and to obey him as he directs?

Everything is not smooth sailing,

have to work hard like a machine

and don't bother with the result,

d' duty is done for your wellbeing


Spend your hours meticulously,

like an artist working on a project

pay attention to d' whole details,

consider its each & every aspect

Squeeze your heart in your art,

relish it, get completely lost in it

wait not for d' fruit it'll bear, for

self-gain, no struggle, no fight


Destiny inscribed on my forehead

with male chromosomes, I'm born,

education, job, marriage, family,

and d' number of kids mentioned

He badly aspired to meet d' God,

to clarify unsolved doubts, ask him

why worship and go to d' temples

if the entire script is predestined


Mom told if you aspire to meet him,

d' only way is complete surrender

did as asked for, d' God appeared

he felt fulfilled, no more a pauper

but why temple visits, bow-downs,

profound prayers to fulfill the wish

if d' events, written, have to happen

nothing good or bad I ever miss


Life, just like a flight in an airplane,

think of the journey, how to spend

d' take off, d' landing, a turbulence

beyond control, nothing in our hand

Some drink, some read, some sleep,

d' choices that our life depends on

accept who you're & where you're,

as per desires, nothing to happen


If each event wrote indelibly, fixed,

why harbor d' rosy hopes and miss

God smiled and said,

my dear, in a few pages, I've hinted,

let it happen as per his sweet wish


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