Monday 6 October 2014

A Doctor’s dying wish

An absolutely amazing death,

he died of ageing, 
no apparent illness

but asked me, to make U aware,

of  his last wish,

being d’ family lawyer
“After my demise,

call d' family members

my wife, son and daughters

Preserve this piece of paper,

a document of high order

Whatever I’ve scribbled,

read out loud

before my final journey,
 to burial ground"
 Death a  ubiquitous truth,

accepted universally

no need to explain

to grown ups in my family”

A pin drop silence, all seemed agile,

final rituals, delayed for a while

“Dear kids, on this sad  occasion,

a wish to be read out, do listen

Sorry, no words of consolation,

but much time won’t be taken”

To you it may appear funny,

but save me of too much agony

Bury me with a cautery machine,

ignore viewers’ absurd questions

Earlier days, if a choice given,

from operation trolley,
 to pick up an item

Knife d’ instrument was picked up,

by almost all eminent surgeons

Old days gone, now its my turn,

a cautery machine my option
A deep bondage, simply I love it,
  a gadget my all time favorite

A bloodless field, to proceed on,

even few other instruments given

Any damn surgery, I can complete,

for a surgeon, hard to stay without it

As done with mummies in Egypt,

usable kept in the pyramids
 Enough wealth I’ve left behind,

U can share, enjoy, I never mind

Do this favor, a desire frivolous
lay a cautery with 
unipolar, bipolar probes

Hope you’ll fulfill it,

it’s a doctor’s Dying Wish


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