Friday 24 October 2014

Right behind you

If ever,

 your heart gets shattered,

left half way,

 bruised and battered

Don’t U worry darling dear,

call me in a voice clear,

My doors always un-shut for U,

wide open all through

U’ll find me, right behind U

To green trees, you may ask,

ask chirping birds on their branch

Talk to flowers,

 chat with their flavor

speak to bees,

 busy gathering nectar

With silvery moon, do discuss,

twinkling stars evidently consult

never forget to query,

 the moonlit night,

who cares for your cause,

 who use to fight

always comes to your rescue,

U’ll find me, right behind u

Don’t ignore conscience crunch,

hide not your moral haunt

Not to mask guilty perception,

own mind puts U, myriad question

Whose fingers to grab,

 in tight rope walking

who to help in skill developing

In tough terrain of career,

to escort U through

U’ll find me, right behind U

In d’ voyage in mid ocean,

a float in unknown location

Emerge as pole star, in night sky,

guides U to d' destination, why

if U seem to be utter insecured,

 toils to dispel your fear factor

Open up, feel free,
 I'm a friend true,

U’ll find me, right behind U

Drowned in dark, life in turmoil,

no sign of light, unending tunnel

D’ derailed  journey, back on rail,

a ray of hope, who d’ kind candle

Ask your books, ask d’ chapters

focus at your slim fingers,

half carved art still lingers

 artist amateur, needs to mature

  In d’ thrilling cruise,

I’ll see U through

U’ll find me, right behind U


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