Saturday 21 March 2015

U, a stranger again

As an unknown person,
once U came on your own
we met for a brief moment,
had short introduction
I perceived then,
U, a stranger of good omen
 In your dreamy eyes,
I looked for hidden treasure
adored hours departed,
life drastically altered
Waiting in an empty room,
thinking of you only
come swiftly,
as naughty breeze,
and just touch me gently
I’ll feel U 
in that tender touch,
not to proclaim much
Come like a floating cloud,
no lightning, 
no thunder sound
 as an abrupt drizzle U come,
soak me from top to bottom
Come at night, in dim light
In my sleepy eyes,
half drooped lids
I’ll recall,
 my blurred memory,
and have a glimpse
Come in my nightmare,
in soft strides, sans footwear
Your valiant walk,
will make me proud
I’ll boast your manhood
Come as a fiction character,
of most melancholic novel ever
In silence let me shed tear,
for my misplaced dear!
Come out of the music
I’m listening right now
as a swaying figure
I wish to enjoy, in full vigor
Earth revolves,
 in its natural pace,
 time runs out, all in race
Here I’m stand still,
stopped for this moment
you arrive, 
make it significant

If U come in illusion,
 again & again
in reality one day,
 it’ll happen
May be by mistake,
you’ll arrive,
 at my door step
Someday come as a shade,
I’m in crowd 
yet too isolated, a renegade
 In a green pasture,
but desert oriented
Happiness far away,
 no regrets
tortuous tracks, 
make life great
uncertainty flows in my veins,
equally take loss and gain
Now it appears,
we, two contrary characters
me a simple black cat,
U a cat of dazzling colors
My life's mere,
lines of black & white
to look brilliant,
beyond my right!
 Wind will blow I’m sure,
shake d’ branches flower laden
I'll gather petals, store,
to sprinkle on floor,
for your reception
But I’m afraid,
our proximity in strain,
and now I sense,
U, a stranger again


Unknown said...

Very NYC sir !!

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