Monday 20 July 2015

Ramp, a disable's only access

A bitter event of d’ season
a 12 year old killed herself
consuming poison?
Youngsters can go
to any extent
Can cook delicious dishes,
assemble bomb elements
Tender age, how got fade up
life span not mature enough
can’t grasp life’s wackiness
won't react utterly helpless

Freedom curbed to go around
paraplegic, wheel chair bound
tragic life of a disabled person,
death rather a preferred option

Once confident of own wings,
can achieve limitless heights
in under 14 basket ball match
worked for a national level fight
Accidental fall, down d’ steps,
hurt in back, broke d’ spine
d' blazing hopes shattered
dreams vanished in no time

Brought back from hospital
on a wheel chair,
Home furbished to receive her
with a well come banner
Soon things will be alright
all odds in life U can fight
motivating words, family support
she truly got charged up

Brave hearts use their mind
perform works of any kind
I took her to school in d’ city
to resume her routine activity

One leg enough to climb Everest,
even to win a dance contest
Papa planned for a budget car,
mom told, a folding wheel chair
 stressed on her child's comfort
kept insisting, its the foremost

Helping hands got reduced,
turned ploddingly reluctant
all had diverse works to do,
tried to impress, its important

Papa’s vital meeting schedule,
brother getting late for school
 my burden on my mom in toto,
 lift me, my wheel chair in auto
In lift taken to class in 1st floor,
down again once classes over
must be regular in education,
it’s priority, our sole intention

I developed an ugly backache
its a slipped disc in my back,
no weight lifting, enough rest
back support, a lumbar corset

crossed all hurdles, I valued her
fed her, not her younger brother
In laws often discuss in low voice,
if no cure God must call her back

Me in deep sleep, to fetch water,
from bed she fell down on floor
I was too tired, she didn’t disturb,
with a hurting back I pulled her up

Lift out of order one week back,
 way to upstairs, only stair case
Pain for me, for my child, both
too torturing life for both of us

My low back in a critical shape,
none to assist, no peon to help
no concern seen for d' repair job
no ramp to push, wheel chair up

Ailment worsened, did a check up
leukaemia unveiled terribly shocked
  only few months left, my doctor told
to decide her future, must be bold

Uncertain her life, after I’m gone,
no father, brother, principal or peon
World will be a hell, full of torture
no one to rescue, ought to suffer

Mixed content of d’ bottle in milk,
kissed on forehead, told to drink
got drowsy, half drooped eye lids
steadily quietly slid to deep sleep

A calm nap, no more humiliation,
peace to prevail, all struggle gone
d’ curse nullified, suffering’s over,
In my lap, appears fully secured
Now no need to bodily lift her,
neither her folded wheel chair
ultimately got lifted from hell,
dense darkness, agony well

not suicide but a silent murder,
a pitiable mom did d’ slaughter
 ready for a harsh punishment,
no lifer, grant a death sentence

 spare not from capital penalty,
I killed her and obviously guilty
If law’s lenient, verdict delayed
 disease too sanction me a death

Education if a fundamental right!
why disables struggle and fight
in schools why no ramps erected
wretched state taken for granted
 Ramp, a disable's only access,
in life to achieve a little success


Unknown said...

Gr8 idea sir !!

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