Tuesday 4 August 2015

Right outfit to make me smart

A blank look skywards,

with an elevated chin

I often think,

 can I get a precise blade,

 to shave me clean

Healthy fresh food,

 to stay slim and trim

Right face cream,

 to look ever green

Achieve optimum level

trust my swift wings,

all acts to keep young,

forbid mood swings

Moving lips, quivering

 tongue, to trill a song,

for a purposeful life,

 get me pulled along

Exact budgetary buy

 to imply own status,

dress sense to  prove

decent and decorous
For feel good factors

mild dopamine surge,

to amass mammoth

funds, no impelling urge

Not edgy for lavish spend

 no cash crunch to thrive

Job security no concern

can adopt austerity drive

Loans land in debt trap

bankers act as hunters,

to recoup debit amount

engage trouble makers

Vowed, no go for credits,

credit cards hardly used

real hardship truly seen,

 saving done for own good

Change put in vacant cans,

for diverse domestic spent

mended attires never odd

frugal sense seems absurd

Branded items to restrict

no takeout food, mal visits,

no long drives to suburbs,

do prefer public transport 

No to alcohol, not to imbibe

 healthy life style, to survive

a proper diet, not to gain fat,

right outfit to make me smart


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