Tuesday 30 August 2016

U can call her mom

The lovely little baby,

a micro mini creation,

asked God, tons of questions

with initial hesitation

Now u wish to send me,

to a world so amazing!

How do I manage there?,

in rush of human beings

You've to have faith in me, 

I’ve chosen, a fairy superb

to guide u, to ably tackle,

your anxiety, heart throbs

Baby casually confessed,

here I hardly do anything

mumble dulcet songs,

always keep on smiling

what I need to do there,

be open, make it clear

Your fairy will sing for u,

sweet mesmeric lullaby

recite the lines with her,

with jovial smile, my baby

Sing, smile n' go to sleep,

care not for d' odd things

leave it for d’ care taker,

she's most capable being

world so huge, eventful,

countless topics to talk

I feel entirely forsaken,

how to start, where to stop?

Same fairy's d' answer,

made of lot of patience

she'll take ample care,

dispel your ignorance

Make u sit in her lap,

with loads of love

enrich words in your lips,

the dialect people talk

Missing items she’ll locate,

smashed ones’ fast replace

art of walking she'll train,

grasping delicate hands

Baby again asked God,

"any further clarification

whom do I, ask on earth,

you'll be in the heaven"

Already given d’ clue,

same fairy will answer

How to pray Almighty,

with hands put together

explain u the way God,

answers children's prayer

Will read your mind too,

all needs, she'll discern

forget this heaven fully,

her lap hundred heavens

If you appear too upset,

tell d' tale of duck & baby

how d' pony came home,

bear chased by honey bee 

Now its d’ infant’s turn,

to show li’l apprehension

I learnt, world u meant,

packed with rowdy persons

Who to save me then,

how to maintain calm?

She too be your savior,

hide underneath her arm
Who ever wants to harm,

shield u from those guys

Her eyes will get loaded,

to see tear in your eyes

Now, time to go to earth,

hurriedly d' baby asked,

by what name I'll call her,

from you, not yet heard

Oh my dear tiny tot!,

bless u with d’ freedom

let her name be X.Y..Z,

you can call her mom

She'll bear enough pain,

yet wait, for a welcome

why so eager for d' name,

U can call her mom


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