Wednesday 7 September 2016

Its my intimate shadow

I was born a day,

and to my utter dismay,

I learnt,

I’m not born alone

with me a shadow was born,

to stay all along,

life long
I appealed it,

“leave me alone”

appeal put in deaf ears

it showed no reaction,

paid no heed,

gave no answers

Grown up now,

I shun its presence

yet, it follows me in silence
No worry for likes, dislikes,

sarcasms, it hardly mind

no fuss it ever makes,

rare to see one, of its kind
Often moves on my sides,

matching my pace

again marches ahead or

hides behind my back

I jump and dance,

if I feel free

it too joins me,

in d’ dancing spree

If I stretch hands up,

it shows same gestures

sits when I sit,

stands, when I get up

It coughs, if I cough,

freezes, if I’m static

waits with patience,

when I’m deeply asleep

If I miss it, try to locate,

seen soon, won’t hesitate

validates, it’s always there

relations with me,

yet unclear
Plays with me, funny play

fades in cloudy noon

distinct in sunny day

often so close,

again far away

If I’m happy,

it seems pleased

eagerly awake,

if I’m sick

even if invisible,

docile and my pet

warmly greets me,

when I recuperate

When my own, turn unknown,

won’t share my woe

only one remains my own,

my intimate shadow

It has no address,

neither a name,

keeps a profile low,

not bothered for fame

Not a twin to me,

no bit of relation

but when,

I’m no more there,

It’ll also be gone


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