Sunday 18 September 2016

Must be his Divine protocol!

I prayed God,

urged for little strength

to fight d’ adversary,

His silent nod said,

”go ahead dear,

no need to be in hurry!”
He lined up huge hurdles,

I turned weather beaten

badly bruised, baffled,

emerged tough and stern

Lately learnt, I’m a fool,

evidently lack in wisdom

asked for little sagacity,

to explore scenes, items
Ability to analyze facts,

to find out apt answer

He added up more troubles,

ticklish, twisted, obscure

I realized, I’m backward,

kept a wish to prosper

He made me recollect,

of my upper chamber
"Apply it in precise manner,

ideas to erupt on its own

work on them, evolve skills,

miracles ought to happen"

Assessed myself, too timid,

asked for ample courage

His forehead wrinkled fast,

d’ scenario he got changed

"Wish to cross crisis river,

no effort for boat or oars

find d' stuffs, row upstream

ward off current, get to shore"

Tunnel in, in d' hill of gloom

blazing light on other side

sincere attempt, locates food

in distant island, deep inside

Longed for li’l love, affection

for tranquility, mental peace

He granted stubborn persons

to tackle, develop friendship

Uphill task to win emotion,

sweet talks, never worked

each, a tough nut to crack,

make space in their heart

Lastly, a tiny bit of support,

a delicate stream of favor

nothing such ever occurred,

too strange were his offers

No single wish sanctioned,

gave a deaf ear to all

But stunned,

got, what all I needed,

must be his Divine protocol!

All lucid dreams fulfilled,

overcame each obstacle

now I am fully convinced,

must be his Divine protocol!


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