Saturday 21 October 2017

Who meddled with my inner clocks?

Used to rise, early in morning,
get ready, eager to start d’ day
finish breakfast, lunch, dinner,
dot at time, without any delay
A morning walk, right at six,

after a glass of potable water

all d' varied routine works,

my inner clocks do monitor

D’ tweeting birds, tender sun,

I sincerely love d’ mornings

feel fulfilled, things happen,

  as per my circadian rhythm

Now d’ pattern getting altered,
with alarms also, wake up late
snooze button hit over and over,
wait for something which I hate
Wish a mug of hot coffee in bed,
to make fresh, rouse for d’ day
open torpid eyes, to get a glance
of someone, with the coffee tray
Not enthused for dawn walks,
better postpone it, for evening
Intense acts, hunger, eat more,
weight gain, so avoid the gym
Whole day nibble crunchy snacks,
pay no heed for a square meal
hunger hormones got dried up,
apatite withered, for food no zeal
Sleep sequence has gone erratic,
as owls, stay awake till late night
immunity aspect dwindled down,
no dreaded ailments, I can fight
Daily life statute, fully upset,
steadily turning incompatible
high time to go for a check,
inner clocks need an overhaul
Clocks tic within for everything,
ask heart to beat once a second
wound to heal in a week’s time
in 4 months RBC life span to end
Feel sleepy in time each night,
at 40 presbyopia gets invitation
Sensibly use molecular gears,
put cells on scheduled function
Try to fine tune d’ inner clocks,
reassemble, put them on track
start ticking in a similar fashion,
get things back, d' way I want

a sound sleep’s equally crucial,
as diet and drill to overall health
sleep cycle not allowed to alter
clocks disrupt, with high fat diet
Unable to find the fault factor,
to recoup from mammoth shock
abruptly altered my work format,
who meddled with d' inner clocks?


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