Wednesday 8 November 2017

If earlier he would’ve known

Walks down to Boss’s office
and he indistinctly mutters
worked with you for long,
a nice period of 35 years
Evidently I wish to retire,
from d’ active profession
to take leave from you,
right moment has come
I ought to relax a bit now,
stay with members of family
my vigor getting depleted,
apparently ageing slowly
Boss looked into his eyes,
attempted to reassure
“pay heed, think over it,
u can work a decade more”
Can do an excellent job,
for my building projects
as u did a relentless work,
without slightest regrets
“Reflexes getting blunted,
already made up my mind
wish to have absolute rest,
no more work of any kind”
“But before u quit and go,
why not to do me a favor
embellish one more house,
one last project my dear”
With a fine artistic touch,
finish interior decoration
will be memorized forever,
for d’ ultimate work done
An undue duress of boss,
with reluctance he nodded
finish it fast, retire soon,
that’s what he intended
Worked decades for him,
adapted all his sincerity
it’s d’ final piece of work,
to apply his tuned ability
Faltered for an open denial,
feigned to finish the task
last minute loyalty shown,
agreed to take up d’ work
But had no iota of interest,
no effort, no supervision
no zeal to check d’ quality
no proper designing done
No artistic excellence used,
hurriedly tried to complete
hand it over to his boss and
get last assignment’s credit
House’s ready, le’ me leave,
Boss offered heartfelt thanks
be seated, have little coffee,
 please do wait for a moment
Your last day in my office,
u served me for long years
you truly make me proud,
for your sincere endeavors
“U configured a lot of house,
one of my dutiful soldiers
made incumbents pleased,
to be remembered for ever”
“All d’ best for retirement,
live a healthy life, keep fit,
as memoir of honest work,
I’ll give u a retirement gift”
From draw, pulled out a key,
handed it over to d’ carpenter
prized key of d' same house,
he had shaped without care
Tough to suppress d’ agony,
altered his body language
his mouth remained agape,
d’ thin eyebrows got raised
Hurting emotions overflowed,
truly no honest service done
Boss’s admire, turned him morose,
he wished,
if earlier he would’ve known


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