Saturday, 30 January 2021

Incredibly a truth, no less than miracle


The dawn meditations over,

felt sleepy, had a latent slumber

from d' bush his partly seen left foot,

mistaken for that of a deer

Jara, a hunter, shot an arrow,

Krishna in d' nap got fatally injured

in Valka at Veraval, Gujarat,

the mishap woefully occurred

Lord Krishna left his body,

and his last rites done

body merged in five elements

but heart kept on beating ineffably,

as in an alive person


So the heart, safeguarded well,

kept precisely protected

put in d' idol of Lord Jagannath,

and pristinely beats on as expected

Jagganath, d' God of d' kaliyuga era,

it's an untold secret of the God

resides with elder brother and sister,

at Puri, d' temple town, his adorable abode


The deity transposes the body,

rigidly commemorated all rituals

mandatory in every twelve years,

continued since time immemorial

 The entire city goes for a blackout,

temple visit of pilgrims prohibited

d' zone gets cordoned up by CRPF,

and d' affiliated priest is blindfolded

Hands wrapped with folded cloth,

in the density of d' night's darkness

from d' body of the old to d' new idol

d' soul element he precisely changes


No one knows what's d' soul material,

soul sift done since thousands of yrs

unknown, unseen some mighty stuff,

creates deific sensation tremendous

A priest narrated d' fulfilling feelings,

to dear ones, though it's a top-secret

a graceful, exciting sensation in palms

a rabbit as if making efforts to escape

During d' car festival,  Puri king himself,

sweeps with a golden broom tosses flower

showers sandalwood paste on d' path,

before d' devotees begin to pull d' cars


Once someone steps in at Singha-dwar,

d' tidal sounds of d' sea, he stops to listen

once go round d' temple, darshan is over,

d' moment steps out, hears d' ocean roaring

No bird crosses d' pot on the temple top

it's no resting spot for birds to sit there

shadow of temple top never falls on d' ground

in d' wind, in a reverse way, d' flag flutters

Daily a new flag fixed on d' temple top,

d' rule rigidly followed with full honor

failure ensues in d' closure of d' shrine

for 18 yrs, for d' God a great disfavor


The offerings for God, Mahaprasad,

made in seven spotless earthen pots

kept one above the other on d' oven

cooked promptly with d' firewood burnt

d' prasad cooked on a day is abundant,

never falls short for arrived devotees

before the closure of the Singha-dwar,

d' whole lot of Mahaprasad gets finished


Looks towards d' adored devotee's locus

d' Sudarshan chakra on top of d' temple

feasible only in Lord's blessed abode,

incredibly a truth, no less than miracle

Monday, 18 January 2021

To assess me, change your vision


Over and again, she reminds me,

I've grown old,

hair graying on my head

but I still feel young and assume,

a long way lays in front of me,

I've to walk miles ahead

Saw senescence spares no one

but strangely stayed static for me

d' numerical sixty, just a number,

change your perception, try to see


With no reading glasses,

effortlessly read d' newspaper

climb d' plumeria plant daily

to pluck flowers for God

Get up the staircase steps

to reach my house on d' 3rd floor

discuss the political turmoil

in d' morning walk, can walk 5 km

Do chit-chat with the friends,

and pursuits planned routinely

much energetic than d' youngies,

change your look and try to see


If ever go to my village,

I enjoy d' cast-net fishing

can cross the full ponds yet,

not bygone d' tricks of swimming

By frog-foot climbing,

get up on d' coconut tree

dab water my favored drink,

to pluck a few dabs for me

yet do leadership in d' village,

to manage any event, I'm free

well adept, take any initiative,

change your vision to assess me


Try not to trace grey hair in my head,

I dye them up regularly

love to gossip with young dames

play badminton for 2 hrs daily

Hold d' sugar-cane like a flute,

we both,

me and my titillating grandson

chew it leisurely, gulp d' juice

to assess me, change your vision


Life begins truly at sixty,

I've learned it from d' preacher

the lady steno from d' office,

on her mobile yet make calls

her perfume as if diffuses,

in the air of the entire room

I talk to her in a teasing tone,

sense d' scent of d' perfume

spend hours on WhatsApp, Facebook

if with any of d' features I get stunned

youth brewing afresh, taunts can't accept

must polish up her perception


Jibes at me, I totally ignore,

d' boat of life strides ahead,

and I'm on-board

my life, vitality, activities and all

I've surrendered before the God

The' mind yet energetic and young,

d' numerical age non-stop gets on

view me from an altered angle,

to assess me, change your vision

Tuesday, 12 January 2021

If blessed with a daughter

 The expecting lady asked her spouse,

boy or a girl?

and waited for an answer,

husband casually replied-

"Irrespective of gender,

I'll be a lucky father"


He continued - "If we have a boy,

I'll teach him mathematic tricks,

get him versed in whistling

we will set off for sports,

on Sunday mornings go fishing"


The wife laughed loud- "Ha.. ha…

"Wish to make him a jaunty boy,

I'm delighted to listen

but what if it's a girl,

what best you will be doing?"


"If blessed with a girl...

no need to teach her anything...

evidently, she will be the one,

to teach me heaps of things

Like how to dress, how to comb,

how to look decent, how to eat

again...what to say, what not to utter...

what all to gossip, how to remain fit

In a nutshell…

she will be my second mom

guide me as if I'm her kid,

tell all tits and bits, keep me informed"


Consider me as her hero,

even if I don't do anything special,

she'll always understand me

if I refuse her for something...

never mind at all

No matter how old she will be,

harbor a wish, me to continue

to treat her as my baby doll

She'll fight with d' world for me,

and if someone attempts to hurt me,

she'll never forgive that person

rebut if anyone blames her papa

for any silly or even any sound reason

I'll be her role model,

she, an exemplary daughter sample

any flaw noticed in her husband

counter him giving papa's example


"So you mean to say in short

your proud daughter will do all 

but your son  won't do those things?

A daughter only to defend papa,

if any assistance papa expecting"


"No... no! maybe he will do the same

but he has to learn to do them

but daughters are born with it

being the father of a daughter,

an august pride for any man"


"But, she won't be with us forever

to take care of all small/ big events"

"Yes, but we will be with her

in her heart, forever for sure, mind it

solely doesn't make a difference

where ever she stays." it doesn't matter


Daughters, delightful Angels..,

born with

unconditional Love & Care...forever

so all fathers ought to feel lucky,

if blessed with a daughter


Tuesday, 5 January 2021

All depends on our angle of vision


"Can I help you?"

d' shop keeper asked,

about to pull down d' shutters

already half-past eight in d' evening

thinned out number of buyers


D' boy a countryside dude,

vocalized in a village accent

but consistent in his approach,

and appeared brilliant


"D' shop yet open, lights still on,

decidedly I turned up here

got a genuine wish to buy,

a pair of shoes for my mother"


May be, he crossed d' teen ages,

3-4 yrs back, features so lively

owner's eye fell on his shoes

leather shoes shining glowingly


"A venture for a durable pair,

good quality may be simple"

"Gauging of her foot is proper,

if with you she was available"


D' guy pulled out his purse and

from it, prudently a folded paper

tamely unfolded it thrice,

d' outline of d' feet of his mother


"Had no foot wares d' entire life,

dealt all with a barefoot walking

she toiled hard as a daily laborer,

and I studied with her earnings"


"Completed education, got a job,

today I collected it, my first salary

d' Diwali is close by, plan to go home,

recalled of her barefoot in a hurry"


 Came to mind, from my first earnings,

must take a pair of slippers for her

d' seller chose, showed it, appraised,

"but it costs 800 Rs, are u prepared?"


D' boy instantly agreed for d' price,

asked him to pack d' stuff in a box

while on d' job, he wished to know,

by d' by, his monthly pay how much


The overall amount 12,000 bucks,

7 to 8 K for food and d' house rent

3000 Rs, I must send to my mother,

rest for ailments and predicaments


"Then a 800 Rs shoes, not costly for u,

would you give a second thought?"

he goggled a bit, countered strongly,

"No, never mind at all, nothing such"


Paid d' amount and merrily went out, 

with d' aptly packed box of sleepers

"Wait for a while", d' shopkeeper asked,

and handed over him one more box


"A gift for your mother from a brother,

to put on this, when 1st pair is worn out

convey my regards to her,

don't deny to take it,

for her, no more to move in barefoot"


"Can u give me something if I ask for it?

"Tell brother, please do not hesitate"

"The tracing of your mother's feet"

he handed over d' paper and hastily left


The owner kept d' folded paper gingerly,

near Devi Laxmi, in d' worship place

his children curiously watched d' act

to know d' fact, they turned restless


Pulled a long breath, tried to explain,

"Dear lines, drawn by a true devotee

Mother, d' ever supreme in this world,

that guy flawlessly acknowledged it"


It's not just the foot tracings drawn,

rather a delightful superb creation

evidently will glorify our business,

all depends on our angle of vision