Tuesday 12 January 2021

If blessed with a daughter

 The expecting lady asked her spouse,

boy or a girl?

and waited for an answer,

husband casually replied-

"Irrespective of gender,

I'll be a lucky father"


He continued - "If we have a boy,

I'll teach him mathematic tricks,

get him versed in whistling

we will set off for sports,

on Sunday mornings go fishing"


The wife laughed loud- "Ha.. ha…

"Wish to make him a jaunty boy,

I'm delighted to listen

but what if it's a girl,

what best you will be doing?"


"If blessed with a girl...

no need to teach her anything...

evidently, she will be the one,

to teach me heaps of things

Like how to dress, how to comb,

how to look decent, how to eat

again...what to say, what not to utter...

what all to gossip, how to remain fit

In a nutshell…

she will be my second mom

guide me as if I'm her kid,

tell all tits and bits, keep me informed"


Consider me as her hero,

even if I don't do anything special,

she'll always understand me

if I refuse her for something...

never mind at all

No matter how old she will be,

harbor a wish, me to continue

to treat her as my baby doll

She'll fight with d' world for me,

and if someone attempts to hurt me,

she'll never forgive that person

rebut if anyone blames her papa

for any silly or even any sound reason

I'll be her role model,

she, an exemplary daughter sample

any flaw noticed in her husband

counter him giving papa's example


"So you mean to say in short

your proud daughter will do all 

but your son  won't do those things?

A daughter only to defend papa,

if any assistance papa expecting"


"No... no! maybe he will do the same

but he has to learn to do them

but daughters are born with it

being the father of a daughter,

an august pride for any man"


"But, she won't be with us forever

to take care of all small/ big events"

"Yes, but we will be with her

in her heart, forever for sure, mind it

solely doesn't make a difference

where ever she stays." it doesn't matter


Daughters, delightful Angels..,

born with

unconditional Love & Care...forever

so all fathers ought to feel lucky,

if blessed with a daughter



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