Monday 18 January 2021

To assess me, change your vision


Over and again, she reminds me,

I've grown old,

hair graying on my head

but I still feel young and assume,

a long way lays in front of me,

I've to walk miles ahead

Saw senescence spares no one

but strangely stayed static for me

d' numerical sixty, just a number,

change your perception, try to see


With no reading glasses,

effortlessly read d' newspaper

climb d' plumeria plant daily

to pluck flowers for God

Get up the staircase steps

to reach my house on d' 3rd floor

discuss the political turmoil

in d' morning walk, can walk 5 km

Do chit-chat with the friends,

and pursuits planned routinely

much energetic than d' youngies,

change your look and try to see


If ever go to my village,

I enjoy d' cast-net fishing

can cross the full ponds yet,

not bygone d' tricks of swimming

By frog-foot climbing,

get up on d' coconut tree

dab water my favored drink,

to pluck a few dabs for me

yet do leadership in d' village,

to manage any event, I'm free

well adept, take any initiative,

change your vision to assess me


Try not to trace grey hair in my head,

I dye them up regularly

love to gossip with young dames

play badminton for 2 hrs daily

Hold d' sugar-cane like a flute,

we both,

me and my titillating grandson

chew it leisurely, gulp d' juice

to assess me, change your vision


Life begins truly at sixty,

I've learned it from d' preacher

the lady steno from d' office,

on her mobile yet make calls

her perfume as if diffuses,

in the air of the entire room

I talk to her in a teasing tone,

sense d' scent of d' perfume

spend hours on WhatsApp, Facebook

if with any of d' features I get stunned

youth brewing afresh, taunts can't accept

must polish up her perception


Jibes at me, I totally ignore,

d' boat of life strides ahead,

and I'm on-board

my life, vitality, activities and all

I've surrendered before the God

The' mind yet energetic and young,

d' numerical age non-stop gets on

view me from an altered angle,

to assess me, change your vision


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