Tuesday 5 January 2021

All depends on our angle of vision


"Can I help you?"

d' shop keeper asked,

about to pull down d' shutters

already half-past eight in d' evening

thinned out number of buyers


D' boy a countryside dude,

vocalized in a village accent

but consistent in his approach,

and appeared brilliant


"D' shop yet open, lights still on,

decidedly I turned up here

got a genuine wish to buy,

a pair of shoes for my mother"


May be, he crossed d' teen ages,

3-4 yrs back, features so lively

owner's eye fell on his shoes

leather shoes shining glowingly


"A venture for a durable pair,

good quality may be simple"

"Gauging of her foot is proper,

if with you she was available"


D' guy pulled out his purse and

from it, prudently a folded paper

tamely unfolded it thrice,

d' outline of d' feet of his mother


"Had no foot wares d' entire life,

dealt all with a barefoot walking

she toiled hard as a daily laborer,

and I studied with her earnings"


"Completed education, got a job,

today I collected it, my first salary

d' Diwali is close by, plan to go home,

recalled of her barefoot in a hurry"


 Came to mind, from my first earnings,

must take a pair of slippers for her

d' seller chose, showed it, appraised,

"but it costs 800 Rs, are u prepared?"


D' boy instantly agreed for d' price,

asked him to pack d' stuff in a box

while on d' job, he wished to know,

by d' by, his monthly pay how much


The overall amount 12,000 bucks,

7 to 8 K for food and d' house rent

3000 Rs, I must send to my mother,

rest for ailments and predicaments


"Then a 800 Rs shoes, not costly for u,

would you give a second thought?"

he goggled a bit, countered strongly,

"No, never mind at all, nothing such"


Paid d' amount and merrily went out, 

with d' aptly packed box of sleepers

"Wait for a while", d' shopkeeper asked,

and handed over him one more box


"A gift for your mother from a brother,

to put on this, when 1st pair is worn out

convey my regards to her,

don't deny to take it,

for her, no more to move in barefoot"


"Can u give me something if I ask for it?

"Tell brother, please do not hesitate"

"The tracing of your mother's feet"

he handed over d' paper and hastily left


The owner kept d' folded paper gingerly,

near Devi Laxmi, in d' worship place

his children curiously watched d' act

to know d' fact, they turned restless


Pulled a long breath, tried to explain,

"Dear lines, drawn by a true devotee

Mother, d' ever supreme in this world,

that guy flawlessly acknowledged it"


It's not just the foot tracings drawn,

rather a delightful superb creation

evidently will glorify our business,

all depends on our angle of vision


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