Thursday 31 December 2020

To decline any aureate opportunity

The young lady geared up herself,

to interview Mr. Bill Gates

maybe he, d' wealthiest person

on this blue planet

She acted outspoken,

and asked, "Mr. Gates,

will you please elaborate,

what's d' secret of your success?"


Gates thought for a brief moment,

then to his drawer, he unexcitedly went

and whipped out his checkbook

held it out to the lady and spoke

"Write down any amount you need"

she looked around, felt awkward indeed


She replied, rather shyly

"This is not what I meant, sir, frankly"

in an unalike way put d' same question

"So smoothly, how you work out things?"


He responded in a matching manner,

handed over d' checkbook once more

She had refused to collect it earlier,

and now she still declined the offer

He then tore up d' check in to bits

went up to the dustbin to dump it

further, he unexcitedly asked her

"Is d' secret of my success, now clear?


Not to miss opportunities as you just did,

to be a rich reporter in d' world you missed

d' golden chance you overlooked,

I truly meant it, to trust me, you refused

instantly opportunities often appear,

but they won't be always there

it's our lifelong mental blocks,

to grab those, refuse to allow us

we get too much brainwashed,

convinced, we deserve a better chance

practice d' right set of circumstances to face,

and the suitable moments to encash

Opportunity when presents by itself,

our instinct to act swiftly to detect

if not grabbed fast enough, it’ll vanish

to fulfill the next eager person's wish

that moment, it might seem awkward,

but carries your career fast forward


Can't afford to be skeptical of everything

of our prosperity, it might be d' beginning

if willing to take calculated risks,

on occasions, they transform d' life


In the corona era,

 to work one need not commute

internet gifts endless scopes, can't refute

d' workplace shifted right into our homes

services provided whatever may come

blinded by fear, dimmed our visibility

somehow impels us,

to decline any aureate opportunity


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