Friday 18 December 2020

Visited by hundreds for salvation

D' wish of d' dear wife must prevail,

Lt.Col. Martin ordered a renovation

virtually it's a rebuilt of the temple,

with utmost care d' work got done


d' British ruled d' country that time,

by an English, no temple ever made

a Shiva temple in Agar Malwa, MP,

a noble deed, differently he acted


Churches, cathedrals built by them,

but a Shiva temple for the first time

the couples turned d' key devotees,

Lord Shiva, judged as the supreme


Lt. Col. Martin leading d' British army,

against Afghanistan fought a combat

regularly sent messages to his wife,

of his well-being, future venture acts


The perilous war lingered for long,

the messages she stopped to get

far away from Kabul in Afghanistan,

war uncertainties made her upset


Once passing by near the temple of

Baijanath Mahadev rode on a horse

a blow of conch, hymns, stopped her

barged in inside d' temple of course


The priests, worshipping Lord Shiva,

saw her sad face, asked her problem

she portrayed her anguish in details,

depicted her helplessness to them


Lord Shiva, wary to hear d' prayers

of d' devotees in unfeigned distress

helps them out of grueling positions,

anytime grants-in-aid great solace


With d' advice of d' priests she started

reciting mantras, and began to pray

lit a lamp, incense sticks in d' morning

"Om Namah Shivaya" for full 11 days


If her husband reaches home safely

she would get the temple renovated

on d' last day of d' recitation episode,

an envoy cropped up with a letterhead


In his letter Col. Martin had written,

couldn't send the message as earlier

surrounded by Pathans on all sides

no scope to escape death was there


Saw an Indian Yogi with long hairs,

carrying a sturdy trident in his hand

an awed personality, manipulating

the weapon uniquely each second


Seeing all his frightening gestures,

frolics, frisks of his body and limbs

the Pathans started running back,

we felt relieved, rescued our team


Ash smeared body, wore lion skin,

the yogi assured me not to worry,

with his grace our adverse times,

changed into moments of victory


He had come for my unfettering,

gruntled with my wife's prayers

she got overwhelmed with joy,

loaded eyes began trickling tear


Col. Martin returned home safe,

she unfolded to him the incident

both turned devotees of Shiva,

fell flat at d' lingam in reverence


Gifted funds to renovate d' temple,

engraved in a slab d' information

renowned Baijnath Shiva temple,

visited by hundreds for salvation


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