Tuesday 22 December 2020

Have to lose this mortal life one day

Rejoiced d' newspaper reading,

the pranayam was left behind

practiced d' pranayam in time,

unaware of d' news headlines

Did both, missed d' breakfast,

attempted all at a rapid pace

reckoned few to be left out,

and lastly lost my happiness


Missed d' taste in healthy food,

ate yummy dishes, health got lost

better not try them both together,

ought to survive well at any cost


Loved someone from d' heart,

the marriage faced disruption

honestly married for family life,

d' intimacy of love, withdrawn

Did both, had to lose the trust,

rather better not to set foot in

wild to achieve both together,

means thereby, lose something


If in a hurry, forget some luggage,

if no hustle in packing, miss d' train

an endeavor not to miss them both,

then the parting hugs to go in vain


If make certain of personal wishes,

then stamped as a selfish dragon

relations deranged, you're nowhere,

if think of others, own interest gone

Became marooned, feel deserted,

forgot the free laughter of all kind

if delight to d' brim, wished to weep,

no tears, weep emotion left behind


It evidently means thereby,

we often have to lose something

in d' disheartening missing spree,

lies the genuine joy of achieving

availed comforts of life to the full,

yet if someone never lost a thing

so rigidly upright man is a machine,

not designated as a human being

Give things, lose things, do donate

take d' glee, live with joy and gay

even if not lost anything to date,

have to lose this mortal life one day


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