Thursday 24 December 2020

Do keep d' mask on, forget it never

Soon d' vaccines will be available

for Covid, it got avidly announced

alarmed Indians can reap d' benefit,

unfurled a cracking piece of news


A new ray of hope in the new year,

must trust d' made in India vaccine,

d' atmanirvar shot, safe & effective

save us from d' pandemic Covid-19


Pay no heed to rumors, do not panic

take d' jab whenever comes, your turn

it always be remembered that both

to go along, hygiene and vaccination


Downloaded Covid-vaccination app,

in d' media, as precisely instructed

to accomplish it as early as possible

and relieved of the tension created


Called d' vaccine distribution facility,

to register for the Covid-19 vaccine

Hello, you are most welcome to the

Covid-19 vaccine enrollment helpline


To continue in Hindi press one,

to continue in English press two

be heedful in choosing d' buttons

of course, I need to remind you


If, opt for Russian-Vaccine, press 1

press 2 For American Vaccine jab

press 7 for Co-vaccine/Covishield,

from our Atma-nirvar national Lab


I wanted only d'

but I got confused and was in a fix

so I finally pressed the number 7

but pondered about d' no.s 3,4,5,6


Press 1 if a male and 2, if a female,

press 3, if you are a transgender

also have the liberty to press four,

if you belong to gender any other


Press 1 if you, a health professional,

and presently work in a Hospital

2, if a Safaiwala, police/ pressman,

the frontline fighter in Covid-battle


Press 1 if your age, above 50 yrs,

as per your Aadhar card bonafide

2 for those between 10 to 50 yrs,

3, if below d' age of 10 yrs, a child


Press 1 if fit, with no co-morbidities,

2, if having diabetes, heart disease

3 for any chronic disabling disorder,

TB, AIDS, cancer, or other fatalities


To purchase the vaccine, press 1

2 for the Govt. granted free shot

adverse reactions minimal except

at injection site minor discomfort


For a jab on arm press 1, in hip 2,

to be injected elsewhere, press 7

obviously, it makes one wonder,

so many missing numbers again

God knows what elsewhere means

tried to recall my entire body parts,

deeply thought if any part suitable,

be perfect for a vaccination shot


The hip is safest for a vaccine shot,

so I decided and lastly pressed 2

to type d' mobile number, it asked

I punched in my phone number too


Namaskar and thank you for

calling us for vaccine registration

your name secured in d' database

for free vaccine enrollment done

note your  waitlist serial number

32 crore, 81 lakh, 13 thousand 76

might get a call from us after 3 yrs,

under the normal circumstances


Till then, keep washing your hands,

follow Covid-appropriate behavior

maintain social distancing of 6 feet,

do keep d' mask on, forget it never


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