Saturday 19 December 2020

A boon as desired for d' whole year


Met d' God unexpectedly that evening,

took a fancy to extract full benefit

I wished him with full dignity, and

asked, curbs of Covid era how to fight


To sanction us a horror free year

at least keep me, and my friends

happy and fit in d' coming year 2021

d' miseries, the troubles must end


His response quite startling,

promptly He concurred d' adjure

however covertly put in a sly rider,

"Only four days dear, what so ever"


And need to decide it in advance

make me aware of your preference

enjoy a healthy and hassle-free life

already granted d' golden chance


I'm obliged Sir, grant us d' four days,

if it's a summer day, rainy day

winter day or else a spring day

God got disoriented, kept at bay

"Sorry, I never meant four, is it clear?

agreed, ask for only three days, dear

you d' supreme, we to abide as you wish,

it's our luck to get a grant for sure


If kind enough to award us three days,

be it yesterday, today and tomorrow

God truly got much more muddled,

in d' bargain curtailed d' boon further


Reduced d' sanction, gave no reason

two days only be permitted, not more

I hesitatingly agreed to his suggestion

current day and d' next day,  I asked for


He heard my words, got exasperated,

declared all sanctions null and void

appealed Him not to be rude with us,

so often not to change his version

we being d' worst pandemic sufferers,

not to stop his flow of compassion


If you plan to make it one day lastly

I agree to it also if you accept my word

don't withdraw your boon any more,

that single day be every-day, my God


Clouds of confusion receded,

His face looked crystal clear

a casual God, we regularly worship,

in no time dissipated all my fear

He laughed loudly, d' laughter

oozed out from d' rear of his heart

tried to get rid of your extrapolation tricks,

but you guy truly behaved smart


For you and all your friends

no indecisions hereafter

stay happy, enjoy up to d'  brink,

a boon as desired for d' whole year


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