Tuesday 1 December 2020

Bring back joy, in less than a second


To scribble a few lines of emotion,

d' celebrity wanted a piece of paper

from his death bed, in d' end-stage,

Rodricks, d' famed fashion designer


Parked in my multi-level garages,

world's big-budget, opulent cars

for each engaged a skilled driver,

but I'm in an ordinary wheelchair

can push it any untaught person,

or an unruly child just out of fun


I've plenty of the precious attires,

stitched by d' reputed designers

But now I'm in d' Hospital gowns

from laundry brought d' caretaker

edges hemmed by a trainee nurse,

the ruckles ironed by yet another


Accounts opened in various banks,

name of the' banks hard to recall

each stacked with enough funds,

often explore, if those useful at all


Stay in a unique multistoried castle,

with a swimming pool, amphitheater

big decorated longue for the dining,

suite for d' guests, recreation halls

but now I'm in an 8'x10' cabin with

life support systems, tubes on walls


Moved from one to other star hotels,

enjoyed life nonchalant, a lavish way,

sumptuous dishes, palatable cuisines,

addicted to d' style of a luxurious stay

now wait for my turn for various tests,

dragged from one test Lab to another

losing all patience, wish to run away,

never imagined life to taste so bitter


Given tons of my speedy autographs,

to people crazy, rush for a collection

now I've to gather d' signs of doctors,

on all d' vital life-saving prescriptions

then choppers hired to tour any place

to go a few steps now need 2 persons

two hairstylists then designed my hair,

at present almost baled, all hair gone


Made it a point to taste various foods,

accessible on d' surface of the earth

munch fruits, berries from the forest,

tubers chewed by tribal, d' beef broth

juice drained from d' date palm trees,

soup made of d' ear of black elephant

d' race's over, a standstill, only to gulp

pills, get pricks, as truce of treatment


Aspire to see d' face of the people,

love me, shout slogans, often scold

I ignored, gauged them as ordinary,

crazy guys wished my finger to hold

and cried out of immense happiness,

could touch a big fan with little effort

then d' triumphant weep, I shunned,

now realize its pleasure, its comfort

I frankly miss d' connect with d' fans,

wish to be amiable, hold their hand

to alleviate my dejection right away,

bring back joy, in less than a second


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