Wednesday 23 December 2020

And settle issues with smart neighbors

Her clear propensity to a profession,

lawyer, only a lawyer I wish to marry

ready for a logical reply, why it's so,

dared d' public there to put any query


Prefer a lawyer as they bow their head,

while they get in, again while going out

attuned to d' terms, your honor, my lord,

before/ after any statement they shout


They ought not to have any male ego;

put on a gown, their body is covered

they regularly visit d' bar, yet a decent

bar, where liquor can never be served


Whatever be d' judgment no rebuttal,

before d' person who gives d' verdict

what more else a wife would expect,

no groan, no fuss, even he dislikes it


This modus operandi I always prefer,

agreeable, suits to my temperament

surely improve d' ambiance at home,

must create a peaceful environment


Lawyers are good decision-makers,

can provide an able support system

operating as d' second fertile brain,

function for any conflict reduction


Tend to end up in courtroom scenes,

as soon as we resort to some debate

initiate questions and cross-questions,

if one is lying, extract d' truth straight


Marry a guy with profound potentials,

deal tactfully with dubious characters

as in-house support in d' legal troubles,

and settle issues with smart neighbors


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