Thursday 17 December 2020

It's incredibly true, no less than miracles

During a latent slumber,

after d' dawn meditations over

his partly seen left foot from d' bush,

mistaken for that of a deer

a hunter, Jara shot an arrow,

Krishna in d' nap got fatally injured

in Valka at Veraval, Gujrat,

the mishap woefully occurred

Lord Krishna left his body,

and his last rites done

body merged in five elements

but heart kept on beating,

as in an alive person


The heart, safeguarded well,

kept precisely protected

put in d' idol of Lord Jagannath

beats on pristinely as expected


Jagganath, the God of d' kaliyug era,

it's an untold secret of the God

resides with elder brother and sister,

at Puri, d' temple town,

his adorable abode


The deity transposes the body,

rigidly commemorates all rituals

mandatory in every twelve years,

continued since time immemorial


The entire city goes for blackout,

temple visits strictly prohibited

the zone, cordoned up by CRPF,

d' affiliated priest is blindfolded

Hands wrapped with folded cloth,

d' soul element he precisely changes

from d' body of the old to d' new idol,

in d' density of d' night's darkness


No one knows of d' soul material,

soul sift done since thousands of yrs

unknown, unseen some mighty stuff,

creates deific sensation tremendous

a priest narrated d' fulfilling feelings,

to dear ones, though it's a top-secret

a graceful, exciting sensation in palms

a rabbit as if making efforts to escape

During d' car festival, king of Puri himself,

sweeps with a golden broom tosses flower

showers sandalwood paste on d' path,

before d' devotees begin to pull the car


Once someone steps in at Singha-dwar,

d' tidal sounds of d' sea, he stops to listen

once go round d' temple, darshan is over,

steps out, again hear d' roar of d' ocean


No bird crosses d' pot on temple top or d' flag

it's no resting spot for birds to sit there

shadow of temple top never falls on d' ground

in d' wind, in a reverse way, d' flag flutters


Daily a new flag fixed on d' temple top,

d' rule rigidly followed with full honor

failure ensues in d' closure of d' shrine

for 18 yrs, for d' God a great disfavor


The offerings for God, Mahaprasad,

prepared in 7 unspotted earthen pots

kept one above the other on d' oven

cooked promptly with firewood burning

d' prasad cooked on a day is abundant

never falls short for devotees arrived

before the closure of the Singha dwar,

d' whole lot of Mahaprasad gets finished


Always looks towards d' devotee's side

d' sudersan chakra on top of d' temple

only possible in Lord's blessed abode,

it's incredibly true, no less than miracles


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