Thursday 31 December 2020

The pawn too, put back in d' same box

Superannuated d' senior executive,

to vacate d' quarters too reluctant

got to shift to the housing society,

on d' 3rd floor, he had bought a flat


The current one, a couthy palace,

allotted by d' office, felt as if a king

his private 3 BHK flat in d' same city,

appears before it almost nothing


Too much obsessed with his post,

believed himself to be burly and able

talked to no one, even d' neighbors,

assessed others trifling, negligible


Anyone aims to make a friendship,

unwilling to budge even if they ask

looks with contempt, ignores them,

while on a walk in the society park


It somehow transpired that evening,

an old fogey attempted a dialogue

and continued to meet after that day,

but d' total talk, barely a monologue


He focusses on harp his pet topic,

own preretirement towering position

the high post he held, his authority,

lastly got here due to compulsions


The senior citizen listened quietly,

with least response, no retaliation

d' minute perceived his eagerness,

a befitting time, his mouth to open


Once retired, we all fused bulbs,

bulb's wattage no more matters

how much glitter given in d' past,

it's over by now, and no one bothers


I'm here for the past five years,

never revealed it to anyone that

for two terms a parliamentarian,

our party formed d' Government


A retired major general in Army,

moves with a pet there, Mr. Singh

with no fuss, unlike a military man,

marches for a walk every morning


On your right, over there Vermaji,

retired as d' GM of Northern Rlys.

That person sitting on the bench

Mehraji, in spotless-white always

linked to the launch of satellites,

d' chief of ISRO before retirement

and hasn't revealed it to anyone,

not even to me, yet I know that


0/100 watts, LED, CFL or halogen,

customary, fluorescent, decorative

their status before getting fused,

hardly matters needs no narrative


"All fused bulbs are now the same,

irrespective of its wattage and type

my dear friend, it applies to you too

of d' former title, might why a hype?

d' power, position, nothing permanent,

d' sooner we accept, can find peace

settle down fast, in a serene sphere,

finally, we all normal human beings


A setting or rising sun, both are lovely

in reality, the rising sun more graceful

d' sun before dusk given no reverence

sun at dawn worshiped and adorable


Ego, vehemence do complicate life,

we keep on losing our time precious

once d' game is over, king, minister,

d' pawn too, put back in d' same box


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