Monday 8 February 2021

But got drunk from eating a piece of cake


Breath analyzer told she was drunk,

but she claimed to be a total teetotaler

yet felt drunk and looked intoxicated,

and her life had turned just miserable


Doctor told it may be rarely possible,

but real as any other medical condition

patient mistook as a chronic alcoholic,

known as the auto-brewery syndrome


Seems to be a bizarre thing of course,

funny, own body makes her intoxicated

a sequence narrated in a thrilling novel,

or through a film character, it's depicted


D' consulting physician tried to convince,

obviously, it's a rare metabolic disorder

yeast in stomach makes much ethanol,

it gets absorbed to raise d' blood level


The 33 yr old young lady was unaware,

as well as her family doctors, not sure

if such an illness exists, how to dump it,

from the odd ailment how to get a cure


Her health deteriorated over d' years,

she was put on antifungal medication

counseled to find fund to buy an organ,

in d' future need, a liver transplantation


The unfortunate situation she faced,

in a true sense, it was very upsetting

many Drs got startled, never trusted,

if such a condition real, ever-existing


The mother-of-two said her symptoms,

in her early twenties started to appear

she heard, a man of 62 yrs had d' same

disease was a chemical factory worker


As his body ferments d' carbohydrates,

and turns them to alcohol, unsolicited

even if he eats a small piece of cake,

alcohol level goes up, gets intoxicated


The whole scenario created by a fungus,

inhabits serenely in his own faithful gut

d' carbohydrate he consumes normally,

it casually converts to beer d' entire lot


The unidentified man caught very often,

pulled over by d' police for drunk driving

each time repudiated imbibing alcohol,

detained, declining a breathalyzer testing

Own up to a fogging brain, persona change,

hostile conduct, family felt a closet drinker

saccharomyces cerevisiae, d' brewing yeast,

doctors stamped as a neurological disorder


Taken to the Hospital for a medical test,

200mg% blood alcohol can not be fake

took no alcoholic beverages, he insisted,

but got drunk from eating a piece of cake


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