Tuesday 2 February 2021

Whose fate till today, has kept him alive


To seek the paragon's advice,

he walked into d' hermitage,

in fate, how much property noted

urged d' hermit to read d' lines

inscribed on his forehead


Bite your lip and abide quietly,

it's just enough, one rupee per day

pass time peacefully, be stress-free,

with it, need to manage and stay


The way he enjoyed his life,

one of his friends got impressed

and proposed to marry his sister

With one rupee daily income only,

I use to manage my life

a pertinent point you must be sure


And she wouldn't be able to adjust

with that meager income

before you propose, keep it in mind,

for her might be too troublesome

"No demur from my side,

it's your sister who needs to manage

no matter for me, I do agree,

and ready for a gleeful marriage


From that moment onwards had a

hiked income of eleven rupees daily

a boon out of d' blue, unable to digest

wished to re-consult d' hermit early


"If it was only one rupee daily,

genuinely allotted to my fate

no added efforts, in such an ease

how come eleven rupees I get?"


Did you get married in the meantime

or grooming a love affairs et cetera?"

diligently heard d' entire episode, said,

"Of her fate sanctioned d' ten Rs extra


So go on adding d' amount, do save

it will be useful during the marriage

he agreed, happy to hear d' perusal

felt obliged to the prodigy sage


After some period, his wife conceived,

and d' income enhanced to 31 rupees

inadvertently committed any crime?

now again wished to visit the hermit


Your progeny in d' womb taking shape,

it too has gained its fate, be assured

you couple got eleven rupees daily,

rest twenty Rs added as his share


Each one in d' family has his fate,

our income an assemblage of that

we never know for whom we enjoy

our ego behaves in a way different


Often we swagger it's my earnings,

my hard work, my endurance solely

each one has flourished, prospered

all d' happening because of me only


Never realized about d' real scenario,

for whose fate he gets fed, he thrives

approves him to live a hassle-free life,

whose fate till today, has kept him alive


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