Tuesday 16 February 2021

To please d' departed soul, it's final


In a remote village, it occurred,

in d' twilight hours, that evening

while sipping on li'l hot tea and

in a hushed tone chit-chatting


In d' backyard of friend's house,

episodic laughter reverberating

after a long time gap, we met,

old day memories recapitulating


Heard a voice from d' darkness,

an earnest appeal in a soft tone

"Master, can u conclude it early,

today's due, soon I can go home"


Left d' teacup on d' central table,

pushed d' chair back, he got up

a young boy was faintly visible,

took few steps that side did stop


A 20-25 yrs tribal lad somehow

could be made out in d' darkness

he stood erect, with head down,

an innocent unblemished face


Pulled out one shoe all at once,

commenced lashing on his back

as if an abrupt incessant shower,

but with no shouting, no abuses


Before I rushed for an interception,

he was promptly back in his chair

resumed half left tea from his cup,

calm and casual, no pensive affair


D' boy quietly left after d' episode,

unable to digest d' instant event

I stood there unmoved for a while

as if received an electric current


Got disturbed to watch d' injustice,

d' boy appealed for d' day's dues

got beaten up nonstop inhumanly,

with his solid and rigid leather shoe


Asked him, what blunder he made,

no reply, he calmly finished his tea

d' harsh cruelty of the olden days,

an unkind king in him I could see


Lifted face after a minute's silence,

asked me for 1 more cup of hot tea

he pulled out a hanky wiped d' lips,

in a guilt-soaked tone told, no plea


Mesmerized to an extreme extent,

got dropped into my cocooned chair

he had no jutting lines in the face,

set on to explain me, to make it clear


Wilson Kiro, name of d' soppy boy,

father Benzamine our field worker

honest to d' hilt and hardworking,

had one son and three daughters


During d' primary school education,

lost mother died of an odd disease

father too turned an alcohol addict,

his good work, honesty all finished


Now utterly useless, came with son,

to my house one evening to burrow

"Rs 500 we need urgently, do help,

d' groom party to visit us tomorrow"


D' inebriated man talked nonstop,

5 persons to come, see her, select

I must buy a goat to feed them well,

pay your money back with interest


"Don't mind, maybe in one week time"

handed over him 5, 100-rupee notes

"next Sunday, payback with interest"

ok u go, alcohol makes you talk a lot


It's no alcohol, I swear, I'll give it back,

today, a Sunday, next Sunday I'll pay u

again started d' gossip, if fail to repay,

do lash me1000 times with your shoes


After d' episode, he never came back,

passed away a day after d' groom's visit

Wilson left  d' studies to look for a job,

in last 4 yrs wedding of 3 sis, complete


No request for any help, no burrowing

works hard, earns wedges with honor

already paid his father's 500 Rs loan

how much more to pay, not bothered


Politely pays some amount, departs

stunned with his integrity and d' repay

in form of lashes in shoes, 1000 such

with an awful humility, an illogical way


Didn't die in calm, failed in his words

1000 lashes due to me on his behalf

his soul roams around, often restless

to find out if I stick to his assurance


Touched with my shoe many a time,

stated d' repayment to be complete

bared his back, showed towards me

10 daily for 3½ months only can do it


Maybe more than a thousand lashes

it's along with the incurred interest

light lashes just for the namesake,

make dad's restless soul frustrate


Choked with emotion, eyes got wet,

it's tough to convince a rustic tribal

d' rigorous mode he urged, granted,

to please d' departed soul, it's final



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