Saturday 13 March 2021

So nearby, close to us, yet not realizing


Asked in empathy marinated words,

the whole lot, in their terminal state

Ms. Bronnie Ware aimed to explore,

in life, if anyone had a bit of regret 

D' Australian nurse just got startled,

it seemed to her immensely peculiar

patients disparate diseases unalike,

yet each dying being's regrets similar


Wish I would have lived a liberal life,

as per own unfettered calculations

the wariness for the people around,

made me put up life in apprehension 

I never proceed as per my free will

to put on attires, in d' hair grooming

to grow a mustache, dining decency,

manner to wish d' elders, everything


Forgone d' dream job, buried passion,

rattled, what the people would think

now while waiting for my final breath,

I realize all to be fatuous, had no link 

Couldn't marry a person of my choice,

never took a stand on things I believe

cared too much for people's thought,

thus such a day of regret could arrive


Tactfully extracted d' feel of remorse,

in their life, for d' thing they had done

the anguish, an utter disappointment,

that time, not taking d' right decision 

D' things u believe, take a stand on it,

what d' people will think don't bother

it's no provocation to get rebellious,

at least not to regret someday later


Wouldn't have done this load of work,

to spend more time with my spouse

would have espied the kids growing,

cared for parents, pet, garden, house 

Primetime never comes back in life,

got success  at d' cost of own youth

quite a few,  too close to the heart,

got needlessly ignored, it's d' truth


A dying man by no means regrets,

for not buying houses/ subtle plots

no exotic jewelry, no lavish vehicles,

utterly absurd the materialistic lots 

Remained in contact with no friends,

never called them, sent no messages

most of d' dying people knew it well,

it could have brought huge happiness


No value, ever given to d' priorities,

or else life would have transformed

the gospel truth realized overly late,

at d' gloomy time for d' culmination 

That golden era won't be back again,

plan the life, create time and space

no hard work at the cost of d' youth,

to pay a heavy price being in d' race


Not bold enough to express feelings,

took them for granted who helped us

now if they revolt, hurt your feelings,

force u to keep your fingers crossed 

D' control of happiness, in your hands,

hidden in plenty in d' daily happenings

regret for d' little glee at our easy reach,

so nearby, close to us, yet not realizing


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