Sunday 28 March 2021

Pray you to forget to be a father


Listen papa, why u prefer to act,

absolutely atypical, exotic kind

avow a wish not to be a father

won’t tell u a word, never mind

set aside every single worry,

for your kids just don’t bother

live a casual, easy-going life,

only once forget to be a father


Openly express d’ cash crunch,

rebuff firmly no buy of 4 wheeler

and daily don’t come home late,

in office wasting 4 hours more

your time out, most paramount,

for adequate rest, personal care

only once forget to be a father


How manage a couple of worlds,

one outside and a different here

awfully ineffable your dual role,

for own sake bring a little cheer

not being around the entire day,

as an isolated stressful forebear

your kids adept in trusting tricks,

to solve any issue what so over

only once u cease to be a father


Say valiantly enough is enough,

from me expect nothing more

giving the fake solacing smiles,

why bear entire family pressure

disregard d’ welfare of mankind,

now focus on own comfort more

only once u forget to be a father


To make d’ home a real home,

venture to amuse all d’ kinfolk

take for dining, shopping sprees,

in parties, functions, cut jokes

keep on planning tours, picnics,

devote each minute and hour

your supervision, timely food,

prompts d’ for pills get ignored

just once u leave to be a father


Utterly wrestle to fulfill d’ whim

of every single family member

perturbed, upset for d’ whole lot,

accede defeat, it hardly matters

hide own fragility, bad periods,

your only focus, family welfare

puff pathos as cigarette smoke,

if in heart d’ problems smolder

once quit to be a papa any more


Then newly-wed, u were no papa,

d’ matter may be few yrs before

those jolly days, fun with friends,

pleas to boss, forgotten forever?

d’ drizzling episodes at Shillong,

recall d’ Leh-Ladakh trips never

those nice delightful moments,

ought to turn u maniac for sure

do backslide to that golden era

again disregard to be a father


Now make excuses for outings,

endorse home as a place better

skip your each happy moments

give priority to solve our obstacles

listen papa,

your unbecoming of loyal papa,

we hanker for forever and ever

pray you to forget to be a father



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