Monday 15 March 2021

Thinks of others, a valued human being

A  letter addressed to someone,

belongs to the area but unknown

knew virtually every house there,

almost all d' natives of that zone


Since past so many yrs doing d' job,

he routinely distributes the letters

but had never gone to that house,

no occasion to know anyone there


Dispensed d' letters the entire day,

searched d' address, reached there

pressed d' bell, a reply from inside,

"Who is that?" it was d' voice of a girl


Postman here, you've got a letter,

put the letter from under d' doors

no minimum courtesy to collect it,

directs from d' inside, grim manner


I came with the letter from so far,

and she can't make it up to d' door

now he responded in a stern tone,

a registered letter, need d' signature


"Ok, coming", the words from inside,

stood for long, but no one came out

d' postman lastly lost his composure,

got exasperated and wished to shout


To deliver your letter, not d' only job,

I've to deal with various other things

can return d' letter with a comment,

the addressee not keen on receiving


D' door opened, got dumbfounded,

a 10 to 12 yr girl was in front of him

with much effort, managed to open,

both of her legs were found missing


Moreover apologized for being late,

he felt too bad of his awful manners

told, "Never mind, please receive it",

took the signature, gave her d' letter


About a week later, another letter,

sent to d' same address he brought

need no sign, he pressed d' doorbell,

can push it underneath, he thought


A sharp retort came from inside, "No,

don't do that, please wait, I'm coming"

d' door opened, she received d' letter,

and handed over a packed box to him


"A gift, please do accept, don't refuse",

he took it inadvertently but felt bad

"Solely for u uncle, thanks for d' letter",

"But there was no need of it", he said


"Not permitted to inspect it right now,

after d' duty, naively open it at home"

his patience started evaporating fast,

could not speculate d' surprised item


Opened d' box after reaching home,

an aptly packed nice pair of slippers

but startled how she could judge, his

pertinent need since so many years


Disburses d' letters for so many years,

but no one ever noticed his barefoot

noted d' trouble, thought of a resolve,

d' incredible feel in him turned acute


Could realize d' soreness of a postman,

a handicapped young girl without feet

he kept the slippers close to his heart,

a priceless and utmost cherished gift


A tear trickled nonstop from his eyes,

recalled d' girl, her tone commanding

so sympathetic ignores own problems,

thinks of others, a valued human being


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