Sunday 28 March 2021

The kindness, d’ charity ought to return


From his getup, decent features,

a lofty status, the man assessed

then eagerly asked for a bounty,

a luring sum in alms he expected


D’ gentleman was quiet for a while,

then with all seriousness enquired

anything to anybody ever in life,

on any occasion have u donated?


Think for a moment, try to recall,

he got startled and had no answer

have nothing to share, he uttered,

what can I give away, I’m so poor


Why should I give you? for what?

you never gave a thing to anyone,

I proffer no charity to such people,

from me how do u expect an alms?


Mood got off, came back to d’ hut,

spent a sleepless night in tension

got up early, went to the rly station

found elegant flowers in d’ garden

Plucked few flowers, heedfully kept,

to give to few commuters selected

if anyone offered him some amount,

with gratitude, he politely accepted


Put on neat cloth, pursued d’ chore,

commuters appeared pleased then

he earned much more than earlier,

in mind he thanked the gentleman


Had d’ occasion to meet him again,

soon he offered him a lovely flower

a 10Rs note from purse, he took out,

gave him along with tips little more


Are you taking care of those plants,

from which you plucked the flowers

never thought of this he confessed,

learn to care of things told d’ adviser


The beggar got entirely confused,

thought, I’ve not planted d’ saplings

neither watered nor reared d’ plants,

but use d’ flowers for my wellbeing

That must be for my previous karma,

which entitled me for such a privilege

must abide by d’ words of my mentor,

think of d’ priceless words of d’ siege


Befitting future experience to come,

in response to the current action

in d’ precise law of cause and effect,

by no means variations can be done


In d’ barren land nearby the station,

planted saplings in d’ morning hours

d’ area beautified, buds burgeoned,

started selling bouquets and flowers


Met d’ gentleman once again in train,

sir, we’ve already met earlier, do recall

he sat facing him, in his neat attires,

as an average person, now no beggar


He shook his head from side to side,

declined d’ claim with a gentle smile

may be, I’m not able to remember it,

busy in some major work for a while

But do narrate, how do u know me,

strange sitches made us meet twice

events altered as I heeded your words,

both times got your priceless advice


Life’s lessons try to tutor us in tons,

grant an abundant leeway to prosper

our actions, reactions, good and bad,

assuredly come back to us in d’ future


Not granted to carry forward anything,

learn to give others, d’ needy persons

at a later time, through some means,

d’ kindness, d’ charity ought to return





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