Sunday 13 June 2021

Light is visible despite d' darkness


Again we will have lovely mornings,

with a mad rush in front of tea stalls

no more queue in d' pharmacy shops,

nor any hurry to d' milk booths at all


Won't hear d' howling of stray dogs,

in the deserted school playground

listen only funny tattletale of d' kids,

whispers, shrills, shouts all around


Welcome wonderful evenings anew,

no more police jeeps will be visible

friends, allies will loiter in d' streets,

and plan for gatherings delightful


Nights won't be distressed in anxiety,

in d' scary ambulance sirens' tangle

hypnotic sleep only to break with d'

sweet banging sound of d' bangles


No display of the house-full boards,

in d' Hospitals, places of cremation

such boards to hang in the theatres,

and d' jam-packed cricket stadiums


No carcasses ever float in holy rivers,

hymns to reverberate in d' river bank

blessed dips feasible before sunrise,

listen to chants from d' lips of saints


Time will come, people truly dislike

to inhale the O2 from metal cylinders

no further spurious gas on payment,

can grasp it free from God-given air


Masks, distance, horrific hand wash

each moment on our toes to thrive

worries for survival ought to vanish,

honestly wish to live a carefree life


Surely such time again will come,

greet with hugs and handshakes

d' dawn seems to be quiet nearer,

light is visible despite d' darkness


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