Tuesday 1 June 2021

To communicate openly not a crime


My mother unfolded d' occurrence

of d' remote uncle, a businessman

for entire life stuck to an easy rule,

heard, then I was young, innocent


At home, sat together, chit-chat and

had d' morning tea with his mother

when far, get connected on phone,

start sipping tea, talk to each other


It appeared too simple but powerful,

never realized the true essence in it

she told in death bed, that small span

only could keep her alive and so fit


Just sipping together a cup of tea,

can grant someone, all they need

the best thing u can offer to make

the loved ones feel happy indeed


A smile on your face also floweret,

if give li'l time to them, make fun

unaware you add years to your life

and also to their life in d' long run


Said, would have died 10 yrs ago,

you only enhanced my longevity

your 10 minutes extended my life

for so long, you may not realize it


Despite d' flaws and imperfections,

I'm accepted, protected, and loved

relished food, sleep, and well being

for a strong family bond, felt secured


No matter how busy you might be,

with li'l tea in d' cup, carved out time

to catch up with your loving mother,

no lavish lunch or any dinner prime


Yet a precious gift forever and ever,

quality time for vibrations to convey

a precious thing for the loved ones,

can talk to them at least once a day


Parents can express love for d' kids,

to surpass enough odds in a lifetime

to live in harmony, share all events,

to communicate openly not a crime


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