Monday 31 May 2021

Our lives obviously have changed

No doubt, we grew up steadily,

somewhere between situations

a silent sobbing to avoid notice,

or crying loudly to seek attention

between several kattis and mithis

turned face to side when eyes met

or a tight hug for a long haul and

keep a trusted pal close to d' chest


Undoubtedly, we grew up steadily

somewhere between such sitch

munching 7 panipuris for 1 rupee,

and now panipuris 7 rupees each

between d' real grandpa at home,

and the online grandpa's webinar

crave for mom made home food,

and d' online dainty pizza burger


Undeniably we grew up steadily,

somewhere around acceptability

a play be over in a happy ending

or at d' end to endure the reality

Steal eclairs from sister's pouch,

now gifting her most lavish outfit

making mom wait for 5 minutes

or snooze button press to repeat


Doubtlessly we grew up steadily,

then with broken pencils and toys

now hurt relations, broken heart,

stamped as errant vagabond boy

Then cry out loud, get what u want,

to fulfill d' wish papa pressurized

now suppress desire, hold d' tears

even completely crumpled inside


Presumably, we grew up steadily,

being d' true best friends forever

knew that nothing truly lasts long

even if d' differences are covered

then vigorously wished to grow up,

at present want to be a child again

between the let us meet and plan,

let us plan and meet, we burgeon


Finally grew up steadily between,

eagerly waiting and wait forever

between parents clinch our wish,

and fulfilling our parent's chore

waking up sharp at 6 in d' morn

not to be late for d' school bus

and now turned into a night owl,

only a catnap in morning hours


Grew up between even and odds,

when we ponder, do understand

silently but surely reshaping ensued

our lives obviously have changed


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