Wednesday 26 May 2021

What's left to settle, dared his mind

I seek divorce from my husband

it might look to be a little absurd

his fighting spirit has died down

not able to tackle me anymore

Mere 18 months of our marriage,

but can't tolerate him any further

looks listless, can't fight with me,

I must approach you, your honor


His love is absolutely suffocating

she claimed, unlike one real love

no shouts at me on any occasion,

and on no issues, tries to disturb

Cooks for me without hesitation,

and helps finish household chores

she further stated with emphasis,

pardons even if I make a blunder

Wish to enjoy a quarrel with him,

but that opportunity I always miss

hard to adjust with a docile hubby,

wish honestly to pursue a divorce 

Agrees for anything and everything,

odds and evens on Earth's surface

ready to jump into a well if I urge,

won't hesitate to join a horse race

Even if I commit a massive blunder,

for that also keeps quiet, forgives

can't enjoy an argument with him,

that opportunity also I always miss

Willing to obey and act as I guide,

is submissive to all my commands

does whatever damn ever I wish,

moves along as per my demands

D' judge was surprised to hear this,

a funny case, one of its own kind

if d' husband agrees to everything,

what's left to settle, dared his mind


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