Saturday 1 May 2021

Be a smoke, spirit, drugs free guy


God created d' seniors that day,

guys to last for period li'l longer

but might turn lethargic, inactive,

unless few dispositions in order


In His wisdom, He adjudged to

turn them forgetful at that age

could be made to search for d'

ATM card, keys, d' eyeglasses

In the bargain do more activities

walk, bend, hunt, intent probing

and God looked down to assess,

discerned, enacted a lofty thing


Sensed there was another need,

made them lose the coordination

drop d' things and to pick those up,

need d' bend-stretch-catch option


Now things looked amply well, yet

reviewed it further and reassessed

human beings, a reluctant species,

thus considered to go little ahead


More exercise in their best interest,

to get used to, up and downs more

unsure, yet have to march onwards

it's God's will they must remember

Granted additional calls of nature,

often a bit of bladder over function

little extra job allotted to d' seniors,

more trips to d' washroom to be on

                 Life, just a jar of jalapeno peppers,

can relish it at the present moment

unaware to face the terrible music,

d' next morning impotently in silent


To be bedridden, dying of nothing,

yet health nuts often appear stupid

active lifestyle, fresh healthy food,

tastes awkward and smells rancid


Aging death preferable and decent,

favored to death in disease/ cancer

can't escape from its clutch anyway

why panic, suffer, and get tortured


Sound health is merely a possible

retarded rate at which one can die

make life simple, extend longevity,

be a smoke, spirit, drugs free guy


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