Thursday 22 July 2021

Can't spot, even a bright-eyed person


Gone for a surprise visit that night,

to find out d' temple's inside affair

before going close to the trinity,

could see d' temple administrator


With the hands folded, eyes shut,

five girls stood in front of d' Gods

almost a pin drop silence around,

prayed humbly in speechless mode


Went little ahead, keenly observed,

from eyes tear trickling unceasing

each, brimful with pious devotion,

at such tender age, so surprising


One by a fluke dropped her hanky,

in an effort to swab her eyes wet

she leaned down to search for it,

d' probing hands couldn't locate


He realized she had lost her sight,

needs a hand, one should  be kind

visit over, caught each other's hands,

begun to depart, d' whole lot blind


Forgotten then temple inspection,

followed d' group of girls unaware

could see outside d' garbha-griha,

calmly stood their ma'am teacher


Curiosity urged him to explore out,

d' group from Jabalpur blind school

some relaxing in the pilgrim house,

total 20 have come for a study tour


Five who insisted on a visit to Gods,

before going to bed, brought here

it evinced their absolute devotion,

approval accorded by their teacher


You couldn't see Lord Jagannath,

by no chance have ever seen Him

yet came to such a distant locus,

despite the troubles, such a whim


Utterly unsought inquisitiveness,

too delicate unwanted question

all heedfully listened to him but

naively replied one of the teens


Assuredly blessed with agile eyes,

you visit God with great devotion

but for a while, u turn blind like us,

d' open eyes get shut on their own


God is great, made us blind forever,

so that in life, each single moment

we perceive his intimate presence,

in ups and downs, twists and bends


D' work experience of three decades

vaporized abruptly, he turned dumb

not able to spell out a single word

the genius girl made him succumb


Consciousness to feel Jagannath,

not found in a literate's education

delicate to interpolate it in d' soul,

can't spot, even a bright-eyed person


Aabhipsa said...

After reading this poem please do tell me how was it.

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