Sunday 7 November 2021

Too timid to open up about my ailment

Finally, she telephoned the hospital,

but timidly asked d' guy answering

is it possible to speak to someone,

who can tell how a patient is doing?"

A sweet lady with quizzical eyes and

sweat on d' forehead aimed to agitate

d' operator had picked up the phone

name, room no. he asked to narrate

Hope will be able to locate d' patient,

inform you of his present condition

no news of demises in the morning,

there is no reason for apprehension

A trembling voice from d' other-end

uttered Doreen Jacobs, Room 604

tell me her prognosis and progress,

I desire to know it, urgently for sure

In a meek voice, d' operator pleaded,

for a moment, you'll please hang on

I'll place you on hold while to check

with her nurse about her condition

After a while, the operator got back,

live again soon with his vivid voice

I've good news for you, listen dear,

Doreen's doing well, pl. do rejoice

D' nurse told all d' Parameters fine

BP good, blood work at d' usual limit

her Physician hopes to release her,

and call for a checkup in a fortnight

D' old lady whispered, thanks a lot,

great, I'm too stifled, feel disabled

God bless you, now reach home soon,

if that way, Dr. Ross has scheduled

Doreen's doing well, d' nurse assured?

Thanks, I'm relieved, my worries over

You're welcome, the operator replied,

but anyway, is Doreen your daughter?

I'm Doreen Jacobs myself, room 604

my Physician appears to be adamant

no one tells me shit, totally top secret,

too timid to open up about my ailment


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