Wednesday 17 November 2021

An irritated wife of your bona fide employee

Dear sir, I'm the wife of Manoj,

your the most ardent worker

I make you a humble appeal,

allow work from home no more


Ask him to work from d' office,

he, already doubly vaccinated

practiced well to carry on Covid

protocols, as has been declared

If work from home continues

as it is for the last 1½ years

our marriage might not work

anymore, definitely, for sure

He sips coffee ten times a day,

and leaves d' things in a mess

keeps on changing the locus

as per whims, none can guess


Constantly demands good food,

spicy, crispy-crunchy, delicious

on dining table sits with a laptop,

falls asleep during d' work calls

 Sits on d' sofa in the living room,

or on a mat spread on the floor

no hesitancy for d' kids bedroom,

might use d' washroom unaware

I've already two kids to look after,

their online class in Covid period

they are eating my head, as the

jail inmates eat d' head of d' jailor


They got imprisoned at home,

no play with friends, no outings

only busy with laptops, phones,

video calls, WhatsApp chatting

Howling, yelling the whole day,

an unbearable high pitch voice

gone crazy in d' corona curfew

I've to tolerate, no other choice


Moreover, my hubby, making

my life horrible, I'll go berserk

do seek your amiable support,

to get sanity of my home back

Being a docile house lady, how

long to keep quiet and feel sigh

Regards sir, an irritated wife of 

one of your bona fide employees


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