Tuesday 30 November 2021

India lingers as a developing country

The assiduous ants toiled hard,

in withering heat, entire summer

punctiliously built a unique home,

laying up supplies for the winter


The grasshoppers debated this,

                                     assumed them stupid and fool

subtly swayed d' summer away

no harrying took easy and cool


Winter arrived in its time with a

biting cold and an icing weather

ants felt warm and also well-fed

hoppers had no food, no shelter


Likely to die out in d' bitter cold,

resolved to call one press meet

           d' shivering guys' leader argued,

urged to know d' ploy behind it


How come the ants be allowed,

to be amiably warm and well-fed

while others frozen and starved,

for the forsaken chunk, no regard


News channels must telecast,

scene of the shivering hoppers

next d' ants in their cozy home

table-full of foods for d' winter


Stunned by the sharp contrast

d' world just not able to imagine

poor hoppers, allowed to suffer,

how one can tolerate the scene


Arundhati Roy to demonstrate,

right in front of the snug anthill

Medha Patkar's indefinite fast

along with the hoppers, a drill


Demands to relocate d' hoppers

to warmer climates during winter

one section enjoys a secure stay,

other gets neglected and suffer


Minorities on purpose oppressed,

Mayawati affirmed injustice done

sought support for the hoppers,

     internet flooded in online petitions


Kerala CPM passed a stringent law,

barred ants working hard in d' heat

 to bring about equality of poverty,

ants disentitled to get all d' credit


Indian Railway decided to allocate,

one free coach to d' Grasshoppers

long distance Jammu-Allepy express

be aptly named d' Grasshopper Rath'


Law Committee drafted POCAGA to

prevent cruelty against grasshoppers

the stringent act to be put into effect,

from the beginning of d' next winter


A special quota was created for them,

in Govt. jobs, Educational Institutions 

if ever fail to comply with d' POCAGA,

ants had to pay a heavy penalty sum 


If unable to pay the retroactive taxes,

home, confiscated by d' administration

allotted to Grasshoppers in a ceremony

covered by NDTV, Times Now, and CNN


Rly Minister calls it a Socialistic Justice,

Arundhati Roy names Triumphant action

press, parties, groups satisfied their ego,

CPM, a resurgence of the downtrodden 


D' ants lastly migrated to d' US to set up,

a multi-billion dollar deal in Silicon Valley

lakhs of grasshoppers die of starvation,

despite d' politics, reservations, all silly 


To fetch vote tax money spent to buy

food, perks for d' hoppers, all mystery

     hard-working ants got fade up & left,

India lingers as a developing country


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