Friday 3 December 2021

Isn't it appear very strange?


Got leeway for a moon trip,

they could right away learn

d' moon had no atmosphere,

no O2, a cause of concern

I'm loitering close by them,

none of them could guess

no flake of food in my tummy,

starved, hunger a big stress

Just hanker for a little food,

aspiring for no moon trip

they sense it well but act

as if do not understand it

it seems strange, isn't it?


View stones inside d' body

with some foremost device

inspect infants in the womb,

know d' gender, indeed nice

Can't sense my flat stomach

agony in my shrunken face

dined no morsel of a meal,

since d' last couple of days

My body, only bone and skin,

yet aren't able to identify me

in words, it's tough to narrate

my misery just unable to see

it's beyond their visual range

isn't it appear very strange?


Barometer tells of depressions,

where on d' earth it might rain

but cannot trace in my belly,

landfall of a surging hurricane

No gadgets to gauge density

of my hunger pain, it's strange

to caliper flow of loaded eyes,

not in any of d' machine's range

isn't it appear very strange?


They can see well, speculate

if a cow, dog/cat stays unfed

animal protection gang protest

if a pet/stray's ethics violated

I beg, shout at their door loud

for food, to quieten my hunger

none pays d' slightest concern,

a deliberate attempt to ignore

Animals, often awarded food,

even if disinterested to have it

to be counted as animal also,

a human awfully viewed unfit

it seems too strange, isn't it?


If notice tiny fading patches,

on walls of religious places

d' decaying edifices restored,

painted to d' original stances

I'm papery white, hueless,

a sapless neglected being

can't identify my distress,

their color vision, lacking

visual intellect, deranged?

I stood in the temple front,

but in my shriveled face,

see certainly no change

isn't it appear very strange?


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