Thursday 16 December 2021

Rich hearts extend an aid promptly

Then me a frugal person, not rich,

utterly anonymous and unknown

checked in at d' New York airport,

on a trade trip to d' city of London


Craved for buying a newspaper,

could locate one paper vendor

but didn't carry enough change,

so that d' urge I desired to defer


Told that I didn't have d' change,

then he insisted, take it for free

did take d' paper hesitatingly, his

non-stop plead made me agree


D' incident recurred unintended,

about a couple of months later

in d' same airport I landed again,

for a paper went to same vendor


Oddly again, shortage of change,

he offered a newspaper once more

I denied, opposed taking it for free,

do take, I won't be at loss for sure


You feel cranky to accept d' copy,

but I'm sharing this from my profit

carry it with you, need not bother,

it hardly matters, literally ignore it


Took the newspaper and went off,

after long 19 yrs, I became famous

remembered that vendor one day,

and to find him out, begun a search


Found him after about 1½ months,

I asked him if he could know me?

and if at all able to recall that day,

he gave me a newspaper for free


He nodded, you are Mr.Bill Gates,

famed multimillionaire industrialist

I deftly remember both the days,

gave d' paper not once, but twice



I want to thank you, repay d' help

that you had offered me that time

now whatever you wish in your life,

I ought to fulfill it as my duty prime


The vendor gently tried to discuss,

doing so, you won't match me ever

that help I had promptly extended,

as a mere poor newspaper vendor


You intend to help me at present,

after you turned a multimillionaire

forthwith I realized he was right,

equated with me, manyfold richer


Gates unfolded it in an interview,

as quizzed by one news channel

anyone if he reckons with, richer

than him in d' world, to pl. reveal


D' vendor didn't wait to grow rich,

to help someone in any dire need

rich hearts extend an aid promptly,

rather than d' wealthy guys indeed


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