Wednesday 22 December 2021

Once you intend to gracefully give


Won the Oscar Award four times,

to receive it, she had never gone

she, the great Hollywood actress,

most talented Katherine Hepburn


Trusted only in love and affection,

d' true fans and her open admirers

enjoyed own acting and d' cinema,

those the greatest reward for her


Once stood in a queue for her turn

to buy tickets for d' Circuba circus

with papa ventured to try her luck,

that day in the face of d' great rush


An eager teenager that occasion,

excited to see man-animal tricks

to relish d' juggling flings, cyclers

the clowns' caricature, acrobatics


Between ticket counter and them,

at that point, only one family left

but d' family made an impression,

since then, she's unable to forget


Eight children, along with parents,

all probably under the age of 12

they did not have a lot of money,

seemed the way they got dressed


D' children were all well behaved,

their attire looked neat and clean

stood two-by-two behind parents,

hand in hand, they stuck up inline


Mother held her husband's hand,

felt proud to be an august fighter

looked up at him as if to declare,

you're my knight in shining armor


D' group excitedly jabbering about

the clowns, animals, rope walkers

d' tumbling stunts to be performed,

pleasing pranks by skilled jugglers


By their excitement, I sensed, they

never had been to d' circus before

it would be a highlight of their lives

mom-dad, at the head of d' cluster


Father was in a jolly mood, smiling

enjoying, seeing his family joyful

an occasion, to be remembered,

a juncture making d' life colorful


The ticket lady enquired the man,

the number of tickets he wanted

for eight children and two adults,

recalled and proudly responded


The ticket lady stated the price,

d' man's wife let go of his hand

husband's lips began to quiver,

her head dropped, next second


Leaned a little closer to d' counter,

how much did you say, he asked?

the lady again muttered d' price,

diligently heard, almost gasped


Didn't have much cash in d' pocket

how was he supposed to convey?

unable to think of an apt manner,

event eager kids to get dismayed


Seeing what was going on there,

dad reached into his chest pocket

pulled out a $ 50 bill with no delay,

dropped it on the ground straight


Dad bent down, picked up the bill,

tapped him on the shoulder, said,

excuse me, dear sir, pl. be heedful,

this one fell out of your back pocket


The man understood d' situation,

for a handout, he wasn't begging

yet admired the help in a desolate

desperate time, so embarrassing


Looked, straight into my dad's eyes,

took my dad's hand in both of his,

squeezed tightly onto the $50 bill,

tear down his cheek, didn't cease


It means a lot to me, and my family

over and over uttered, thank you

his convey of gratitude, unending,

we came to d' car leaving d' queue


Dad swiftly gave away d' $50 bill,

at hand for buying our tickets with

we weren't wealthy in any sense,

yet he preferred a congenial path


Couldn't enjoy d' circus that night,

but felt tremendous joy inside us

no big deal can ever provide that,

much greater than seeing d' circus


Then I learned the value of giving,

A lot in a lifetime, you do achieve

revives in a geometric progression,

once you intend to gracefully give


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