Sunday 19 December 2021

Ever ablaze, brilliantly colorful

Not treated like a flock of donkeys,

to carry d' pack of books to school

we were for real the blessed kids,

not forced to stick to any rigid rules


Put no helmets during cycle rides,

while playing carry no first-aid box

a free bird after the school is over,

no questions asked until the dusk


Played hide and seek, football,

and lately tried d' game of cricket

it's only with our bosom buddies,

no games with the online mates


Observed d' birds on tree trunks,

feeding eager babies in d' nests

never lock ourselves in a room,

over and over browsing the net


Lucky to quench the thirst with

d' cool water from the clay pots

not fanatical for bottled water,

for it certainly no frantic search


Hardly fell ill, had juices with pals,

shared food from the same plate

ate bowlfuls of rice, ample sweets

never put on an additional weight


Loved to walk barefoot on grass,

in the fields, pastures, in d' park

no chocolate drinks, no add-ons,

to keep healthy, for extra work


Our parents, never overly rich,

and after wealth not maniacal

always gave us plenty of love,

no plenty of worldly materials


We stayed very close to them

they communicated with us

mobiles, tabs never needed,

no talk in the monosyllables


Doctor uncle appears at home

with a smile, no pricks, and no pill

we visit the hospitals less often,

papa, not worried about a fat bill


No haphazard sharing of emotions,

no messaging in d' WhatsApp chat

star hotel cuisines never enjoyed,

viewing videos of food making art


Hardly hear any feigned mimicry,

see no videos comedy caricature

enjoy comedians performing live,

getting submerged in their humor


Face d' truth, listen to conscience,

put down d' emotions in the letter

scarcely go back on d' given words,

bunk no assurance, promise ever


Often visit friends house uncalled,

make fun with an off guard friend

no calls to seek their permission,

a surprise, li'l lazy time to spend


Relatives, always very close to us,

kept our heart and soul cheerful

no need for insurance policies,

all d' time behaved entirely cool


Then the black-n-white photos,

in fact, much more meaningful

stacked as marvelous memories,

ever ablaze, brilliantly colorful


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