Wednesday 15 June 2022

You protect in d' most surprising ways

Spotted, an old abandoned house,

and rushed into it in a single breath

crawled into one of d' dark rooms,

to hide, the site seemed to be safe

D' enemy troops gave him a chase,

got parted from his dear comrades

in defeat, to save his life ran fast,

felt alone, exhausted, frustrated


Fierce war, with no hope of a win,

not to pursue, a retreat for sure

d' enemy was close behind him,

couldn't keep track of d' others

Got in, felt safe for a little while,

but d' den, once d' troop locate

certainly, be captured and killed,

eagerly awaited his doomed fate


My life, in Thou gracious hands,

permit your divine wish to be done

I love and trust you with d' utmost

shield me, my Lord! I am undone

In the dark, crouched in silence,

d' hands folded, eyes full of tear

life at stake, get extinct any time

no one to help, alleviate my fear


A spider began to weave a web,

at the entrance door of that room

labile threads layered one by one,

deftly designed to hold d' prey firm

To save me from guns and bullets,

a tiny spider sent as a messenger

I got it, u wished me to die today,

simply rejected my humble prayer


Deserted abode, created suspicion,

they wished to thoroughly explore

footsteps moved towards d' hideout

arrived at the entrance door sooner

Halted all of a sudden, a guy stated,

one can't be in d' room, impossible

must break d' spider's web to enter,

an intact net at d' door, not desirable


Let's keep moving, was d' decision,

d' foes backed away, moved ahead

the young soldier fell to his knees,

eyes loaded bowed down, prayed

forgive me, Lord, for my lack of faith

nothing is unfeasible if u wish to help

when we face times of real distress,

u protect in d' most surprising ways


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