Saturday 23 July 2022

Confessed the funeral director

Died of one frightening fever,

hastily buried to stop a spread

unable to pull out her gold ring,

due to undue swelling, she had


A target for d' body snatchers,

to cash in on d' body, gold ring

before d' loose soil had settled,

grave robbers began d' digging


Unable to pry it off d' finger,

decided to chop d' finger off

as glaring blood sprouted out

the robbers just got shocked


Got awoke from a deep coma,

she sat up straight, screamed

the robbers never apprehend,

to face such a horrifying scene


One dropped dead on d' spot,

one fled far to an unknown town

few made up their mind not to

be back to the same profession


Margorie climbed out of the pit,

made her way back to her home

impatiently knocked at the door,

chilling cold outside to be warm


Her husband heard the knock,

told kids if mom was still alive

I'd swear that was her knock,

I know it well she was my wife


He opened the door himself,

found his wife standing there

dressed in her burial clothes,

blood dripping from d' finger


Saw dead wife standing alive,

to the floor, he dropped dead

after funeral rituals, buried in

the plot Margorie had vacated


Margorie went on to re-marry

gave birth to a few more children

when she finally died got buried

in d' Cemetery in Lurgan, Ireland


D' grave stone yet stands erect

with inscription in bold letters

lived once but was buried twice,

confessed the funeral director


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