Monday, 25 July 2022

No one, but his kind-hearted tenant

At last, he pressed d' call bell,

sure to evict d' terrible tenant

its a regular affair nowadays,

in due time not to pay d' rent


Hello, where's d' rent money?

retorted with li'l annoyance

he handed over an envelope,

with an apparent reluctance


Counted d' money heedfully,

put an inquiring expression

you bare a 3000 rupees short

where has d' rest of it gone?


I know that I am sorry, but

Corona did d' trade go slow

allow me a few more days to

pay d' whole dues in one go


Don't wish to hear any excuses,

filing for an eviction, is it clear?

generous to allow you 24 hours

frequent flaws unable to endure


Oh, please, sir

I've been here for d' last 20 yrs

if lose it I'll have nowhere to go

we all have to help each other

times are hard for all of us now


Your issue, get through them,

this one is your eviction notice

24 hrs man....or you'll be out

sir, please do me some justice


D' landlord went sister's house

invited that night for a dinner

sundry dishes on d' dining table,

d' dinner looks amazing, sister


You always outdo yourself,

look at all d' food on d' table

mom urged us to eat this way,

I asked if we can afford it all?


Just have your seat, my dear,

u mean a snag with d' budget?

any cash crunch, money trouble

always tell me, not to hesitate


Is everything ok? tell me freely,

I haven't come for many days

I lost my job a few months ago,

hard time to find work, no way


It's awkward, too embarrassing,

even I didn't have enough fund

how to buy d' needed groceries,

d' dinner I wanted to postpone


My little sister never do hesitate,

he tapped the hand of his sister

bring it to my notice promptly,

if any such exigency ever occurs


How did u get d' groceries then?

helped me a kind heart stranger

I got laid off, d' things turned hard

to arrange food for kids, not sure


Today morning went for groceries,

few purchases for tonight's dinner

knew, didn't have enough money

put d' groceries back, stood there


About to leave for home, disgusted

just then came d' kind store owner

asked me to carry d' groceries home

and pay him d' amount any day later


D' landlord wanted to visit d' man,

to convey gratitude, a soul so pious

for such kind help, must thank him,

a sincere appreciation he deserves


Busy arranging some stuff inside,

and instructing one of his workmen

got out after a while, had a glimpse,

felt as if was falling from d' heaven


Wanted to evict him today morning,

bargained for time to pay d' full rent

with humility helps d' poor and needy,

no one, but his kind-hearted tenant



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