Tuesday 12 July 2022

Hold the feeling till d' last breath

The train got d' go-signal to move,

guard whistled, showed green light

Dad gave the envelope in a hurry,

waved hand waned from d' sight


Each year during summer break,

he proceeds to Grandpa's abode

spends 2-3 wks with the family,

rejoice in a merry-making mode


Parents, grandparents, guests,

friendly children in that locality

play, interact, go round d' village,

before being back in d' busy city


It continued almost every year,

now he's grown up an obeying kid

to visit Granny's house, all alone,

he must be allowed, not to forbid


Why restrained to, move alone,

d' parents vehemently opposed

can be taken to granny's house

next week, repeatedly assured


Grown-up, take care of myself,

the lofty boy kept on insisting

no bulk of clarification worked,

no apparent way to convince him


He, finally allowed to proceed,

meticulously told all precautions

once d' scheduled date arrived,

to see him off, Dad in d' station


Asked to occupy d' allotted seat,

dad came out, stood at d' window

briefed d' directive for d' 2nd time

all d' safeguards to strictly follow


I remember every single word

need not worry, bother so much

why wait now? it is time to leave,

d' feat will go fine, I'll be in touch


While leaving  told his son loud,

maybe on d' way you feel afraid

scared due to any damn reason,

tear open that envelop he said


Pull d' paper out, read carefully,

follow d' directives noted there

put d' cover in his chest pocket,

and bid goodbye to his father


Evidently a hilarious adventure,

moving alone to Granny's place

excited to d' hilt, had goosebumps

it's a daring adventure, no less


D' train ran in speed, often halted,

the commuters alighting, joining

each had d' company of someone,

he could observe d' peculiar thing


When deeply thought about it,

he felt more and more forlorn

with a furious face and a get-up,

got up a person in d' last station


All alone, no parents, no mates,

went all out, shut eyes, to go blind

attempted but not able to sleep,

d' wild face dancing in the mind


Now remembered papa's envelop,

put d' shaking hand in the pocket

pulled out, torn up, began reading

flip through it fast in a single breath


Papa had written, are you terrified?

don't get panicked at any moment

be bold, no worry, open your eyes,

I'm in d' train, d' next compartment


His face flushed with fresh blood,

his gloom vaporized in a second

anxiety eased,  gained credence,

felt as if nothing had happened


If our trek to earth gets finalized,

an envelope, given to each of us

with a message not to be scared,

helpless, hopeless, and timorous


In each place, He escorts us,

every second, every moment

stays with us d' entire journey

recall him, trust d' omnipotent


Leave everything at his disposal,

in d' precise trip make progress

all to happen only as per his wish,

hold the feeling till d' last breath


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