Sunday 20 July 2014

Sleep, an obsession

Swamped with lot of assignments,

loads of backlog did accumulate

No time for uninterrupted sleep,

 easy, calm, relaxing naps I skip

Can not afford an “early to bed”,

an altered lifestyle, turns me mad

Now a late sleep, d’ only option,

feign to like it, but a compulsion

 Not only me, many in poverty,

dream for d’ valued commodity

Rich also spend sleepless nights,

try tooth and nail; but can’t get it

Students do study day and night,

for a rank, to build carrier d’ fight

Work hard for alluring placement,

for bounty perks & fat payment

Out on d’ street, homeless nomads,

venture to sleep on adjacent footpath

a moonlight bath or draping of dark,

even not scared of street dogs’ bark

Little worry for storm, rain, thunders,

run over by lorries of drunk drivers

Kindergarten kids sleep and snore,

on the carpets laid down on floor

Hands-legs tossed over one another

eye lids drop, as screens of theatre

Orphans try to find sleep in alleys,

or lie down in foster home passage

Drowned in memory of lost parents,

possessions none, not even garments

players, racers, riders, paragliders

do not have a sound sleep either

Haunt by hopes, tough competition,

no place for them if don’t perform

No sleep for armed forces in border

on their toes, on high alert forever

Sleep never creep in, into thought,

while flying a plane, a busy pilot,

Neither in d’ driver, running a train,

nor a Doctor in midnight operation

D’ rich folk posses enough means,

all wants fulfilled, whatever wished

Marbled toilet with gold commode,

but tension ridden & no sleep mode

Sleep strolls around to find out,

simple guys, no eager wait for it

They’re allowed to enjoy d’ bliss,

within no time, they fall asleep

And achieve a sleep much better,

 recoup drained energy, lost vigor

For me it seems to be a luxury,

I’m deprived of it, feel so sorry
On occasions I wish to weep,
for a relaxing, refreshing sleep

Never come in a natural fashion,
no more a reality, an obsession


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